Saturday, October 04, 2008

BYU FOOTBALL - vs. Utah State

Yesterday, BYU played Utah State and won. In the first quarter alone, the score was 24-0 BYU. After that, though, the Aggies woke up and played well. They had a successful second half and BYU made some errors but were still able to hold them. The final score was 34-14 BYU. Go Cougs!

Our neighbor found this picture in the Deseret News sports section of my little brother Mikey holding on to the very quick Utah State quarterback. I love it. If you opened the dictionary to "DETERMINATION" I think you just might find this photo there. Way to go Michael!! Never give up!!:)


carriebutler said...

Hi, sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you, I was out of town, I am glad you like the pictures and would be happy to photograph your family. I charge $80 dollars for a sitting fee, or I have been doing these picture playdates where you can gather your friends kids together and each kid is ten dollars. There is a kid minimum of five, and a maximum of eight. You can contact me at my email address,, and you can check out my portfolio at It looks like you have some very cute babies!!

Julie said...

That's awesome!! I love pictures like that. I didn't know your little bro played.

Vika said...

Yes, go michael! It was an awesome game to watch.

ZB said...

What a darling family you have. And how very cool that your little brother plays for BYU. We are big fans as well.

I just wanted to let you know that I live in Riverton/Herriman area. You are more than welcome to bring your kids up for the Halloween Session but if that's too far for you to come, I'll be in Provo on another shoot on Sat. Oct 18. I can try to stop by your house and do a mini-session(I won't have my props) with your kids or a full session if you prefer. Email me if you are interested. Check out my photography blog
for prices on a regular session.

Hope to hear from you! Have a great day.

daveandsavani said...

i love the picture mary!! by the way i wanted to tell you and wayne thank you for your talks last sunday. they were really good!

Leise said...

MMMMAAAAARRRRYYYYY!!!! Good BYU's having a good season, and congrats on the baby! I don't know how to do the link stuff on the side of the page, but ah, small kine...ok, how do you do that? So sad, I no more! Hee hee! Boooo io, only when I leave Utah there's a need for me :(

RazakFamily said...

Mary, your family is just BEAUTIFUL!! I heard from Granni Laws about your baby the other day. I was so happy to find your blog and get a beautiful photo to see!
Hope all is well for you!!!