Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"Cadillac Grills, Cadillac Mills"

Okay, do you remember the toys back in the day? I had a little red wagon that I loved - I thought it was pretty high tech. It had wheels and a handle and if you held the handle while sitting in the wagon you could have someone push you and it was like a little car that you could steer. I thought it was waaay cool.

Yeah, that was back in the day.

After a trip to Costco yesterday, I realize - times have changed. Look what Malia found. . .complete with rims. . .


Line said...

Lol, you need to visit Jill and Vili's blog because she has the same EXACT pic with Keiti in it. It's sad to think that we wouldn't even be able to afford a TOY escalade, hahaha.

Brittany said...

that is hilarious!! how cute can she be?!

Anonymous said...

Looks like she's saying "Look at dis car mayn" :^)

Megs said...

I want that car! It is pretty amazing what is out there for kids these days. Hopefully Blake is happy with his homemade play dough for a little while longer!

The Maire Family said...

Lol that is so funny! She looks like she's ready to drive it home.

sarana said...

um, can i add my order for a shiny new escalade, preferably one that'll fit me!

Lavi said...

lol yeah can i get one of those too but in my size! haha :) Malia is a freakin' cutie pie!!!

Corinne said...

Malia looks like a natural in that thing! She is stinkin cute!

ma'elePHOTO said...

I saw this and thought... "WHAT THE FREAK!"... I remember the good 'ole BIG WHEELS and thinking they were TIIIGHT!!! But that Caddi (do they even call them that anymore???) is pretty COOL. Grandpa Lihati just might have to ship that one to Tonga if ya'll got it! (LOL!)

ma'elePHOTO said...

btw- CADILLACS are Grandpa 'Unga's FAVORITE cars!!! hence the shipping to Tonga comment! (HEHEHE!!!)

Max & McKinzi Hall said...

What a cute little family! Hey it's McKinzi Hall. I've been a bad blogger lately, and totally forgot to send you the invite to our blog that I told you I would a long time ago. But I e-mailed it to you and added you guys to our list. I still have your shirt. Sorry, let me know if you want me to drop it off to you sometime this week or I could just bring it to the game or fireside. Well, talk to ya later.

The Guirola-Uyema's said...

She looks like she wants one... :) Hey, I want one too, Malia. Mary, will you guys be able to make it to our Halloween Party? Let me know. I hope you can. Thanks!

Inouyes said...

Awww at least you got to ride in one...lol.. It is such a cute pic!

Mary and Ryan said...

Heck, those things are sweet! I want one for me:) She is a doll!

Leise said...

OHHHH KAY KAY KAY!!! (head swings side to side, lips pressed together) she just need stunna shades and her tongan gold tooth :D luv you Wayne, but for real- we know it's coming