Friday, November 07, 2008

in rememberance of Peka Toelupe

Kehau (Harolds wife), Chrisann (Packards' wife), Ni'i, Ireen, Aunty Peka, Maggie

Yesterday morning my Aunty Peka passed away after a hard fought battle with cancer. She is the wife of my dads brother, Pupi Toelupe, the mother of Packard, Ni'i, Harold, Jaddy, Maggie, Ireen and Pupi and the grandmother of . . .of a LOT of really cute kids. Even as I write this, I just can't believe she is not here with us anymore. She has always been an amazing example to me of righteousness, generosity, kindness and love. She was a strong woman whose testimony was apparent in everything she did everyday of her life. Family and the gospel of Jesus Christ were her two top priorities. Her children are proof of her absolute goodness - they are all awesome people - I have been thinking of them constantly since I found out. I pray they can be comforted at this sad time. My favorite memories of Aunty Peka are from the many koaga'is our extended family has had under the tent behind her house. There was always a lot of food, a lot of laughter and a lot of love when you were at Aunty Peka's house. I love her very much. I will miss her immensely.


shannon said...

Your family is in our thoughts and prayers!!! xoxo

Ipo said...

I didn't know you were related to the Toelupe's. But I'm not surprised, they are a wonderful family and so are you. My deepest condolences and love to you and your family.

Nia said...

I was sad to hear that she passed as well. She was definitely an amazing and strong woman! What a great example to all of us! Her family is in my prayers!

BETS & VETS said...

It's so sad I was shocked when Sarana told me the news. She was an amazing woman, and the glue to the family!