Sunday, March 08, 2009

grandpa date and meeting kaylene!

Every Friday Malia looks forward to her date with Papa Limhi. Last week we went to the Bean Museum. Today we went to see the fish at BYU. It was so fun and Malia loved it. She also loved the ice cream Papa bought her after the date. :) Malia is so lucky to have such awesome grandparents who love her so much!


We also got to meet Malia and Kina's new little friend Kaylene Kalamafoni, daughter of Rocky and Candice. She is SOO cute - very pretty face, tan complection, a TON of hair and a sweet calm personality. Rocky and Candice are such good parents! We are excited to get to know her more and spend a lot of time with her in the future!!!!

1 comment:

sarana said...

my have the girls grown! i saw a picture of waynes dad and instantly thought "wayne looks like his dad" then i saw kina and thought "she looks like her daddy (just more feminine of course!) okay, this is sad, i miss talking to you and you live like 8 minutes away! glad to see that all is well though. love ya!