Thursday, July 30, 2009

worst mom in the world

Yup. That's me. On Sunday, I locked BOTH of my kids in the car . . . with my keys. . . in 100 degree heat. It all happened so fast. I was running slightly late to church (as always, unfortunately) so I was rushing as I hurried down the three flights of stairs from our house to our car. I had one girl in each arm and the keys in my hand. I threw the keys on the front seat and then buckled the girls in their already hot carseats. As I swung the door closed. . . like, in middle of the swing. . . I heard "click". I jumped to grab the door, but it was too late. All the doors were locked, the windows were up and my babies were inside. I spent a couple minutes trying to get a frustrated Malia to open her door and when that failed I ran back upstairs and googled "locksmith provo". (I'm just realizing now as I write this how lucky I am that my house was still open and my phone wasn't in the car.) I called the first locksmith listed and told them the situation and the first thing they asked was what town I was in. Knowing that they serviced more than just Provo, I knew they would take forever so I hung up and dailed 911. The cops were there in less than 10 minutes. By that time, Kina was crying, Malia was crying and I was crying. I apologized profusely to the cop knowing that he was probably thinking, "Man, what a bad mom!" but I think he took pity on me cause instead he said "Don't worry. This happens all the time!" RIIIIGHT!! Anyways, the door was open in a minute and I grabbed my babies out. They were sweaty and wet with tears and snot, but totally fine. I carefully opened ALL the windows, unlocked all the doors, turned on the AC and then put them back in and headed to church.

Bad experience, but I'll say one thing. I haven't thrown my keys on the front seat since.


RazakFamily said...

Honestly - it DOES happen all the time. I have had dozens of friends lock their kids in the car!
And, props to you...if my babies had been locked in a hot car, I don't know if I would have gone to church...I would have taken them inside and given them ice-cream and snuggles. You are such a GREAT, GREAT mom!!

Taylor Tribe said...

That cop is happens all the time. I was at the Oquirrh Mountain Lake last week & there were cops everywhere, come to find out, a family left their two year old girl at the lake and only realized it when they got to the Lagoon! Those were the exact words out of the cops mouth..this happens all the time. We could all relate to such "bad mom" experiences. Live and Learn-right? You are a GREAT mom!!! Take care~

Angeles said...

man, your experiences always get me teary eyed. i haven't done that (yet) but sometimes i'm sure i will one day. i think your title needs to be changed though because one, you're an amazing mother and two, i would fall under that category for so many other reasons. :) good quick thinking mary.

Line said...

I would have been balling too! Of course because the kids are in the locked, hot car, but also because of the STRESS.

P.S. It really does happen all the time. Cops only open people's doors for them if there's kids in the car, otherwise they make you call a locksmith and pay like 40 stinkin' bucks. How do I know this? From EXPERIENCE! Hahaha

Corinne said...

Mary, that is horrible! I'm so sorry...glad your girls were ok. That is one of my fears...haven't done it yet (knock on wood), but I know I would panic and I'd be balling too!

Megs said...

Mary, sounds like a crazy Sunday!! Sorry this happened, but you seriously were a pro with solving the situation. Stuff like this happens to everyone and I am glad your girls and you are okay! If you have checked my blog I let Blake listen to "riske" music so I guess I get the horrible mom award :) I guess I should have been paying more attention to the song, but I just couldn't help but be focused on Blake's cute dancing. You live you learn!!

Tina said...

OMG! Poor things, all of you! And you're not a bad mom Mary, you're awesome!

A.Niu said...

Okay dont feel bad cause Ive left kids places a couple of times:( You think I would of learned my lesson the first time.

sarana said...

like all who have posted does happen! sounds like you handled it well though. i don't think i would've gone to church after that, so that just shows how amazing you are. i totally would've plopped my muli on the couch, ate icecream with the girls and call it the day! way to go super mama!

Kina said...

hahaha all I can think about is why didn't I have a kid in the car when I locked my keys in the trunk? then I wouldn't have had to pay...ugh. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA no mary. I will make the WORSTEST mother EVER!!!!!!!! AUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH

Ann Alisa said...

Scarrrry!!! So glad you thought of 911... I don't know if I would have
thought of that. I am sure that was so very very scarry. You are a great mom.. these experiences just make us better.:) Love you! Mom