Sunday, July 12, 2009

not a happy camper

So I guess I'm just not cut out for camping. We had our ward camp this past weekend up in Provo Canyon and while I love my ward. . . I wasn't really all about the ward camp. I need to clarify. It's not even the whole camp that I didn't enjoy, I actually enjoyed a lot of it! - like the people and the eatings and the games. . . all that was VERY fun. I just didn't enjoy the sleeping in a tent thing. I guess I'm a really light sleeper - but I didn't sleep a WINK! I haven't spent a night like that in a long time. You know, those nights that just seem like forever because you are consciously trying to fall asleep through all of it. Most of my nights lately are exactly the opposite and seem unfortunately too short. So all in all, ward camp was enjoyable EXCEPT for the actual camping part. And Mary with no sleep? Not a happy camper!


Ipo said...

I'm with you there, Mary. I hate to sleep in a tent. I don't know, maybe it's my delicate bones or something. Ha!

Line said...

I hear ya! I was tired for days following ward camp because I couldn't sleep well in a tent. Next yr we'll bring out beds to ward camp, ok? ;)