Sunday, August 23, 2009


It feels good to be home! We all really missed Wayne while we were gone. I've decided the next trip we're taking him with us no matter what.

Anyways, we've been trying to get back in the swing of things around here. Last night, Malia finally got to her long list of chores. For some reason, she LOVES playing "wash dishes" . . . Ah, if she only knew. . . ha ha


RazakFamily said...

My kids love to "wash" dishes too!! Maybe it's a Polynesian thing... :)
I'm so glad that you had a good time in Hawaii, but I'm so totally time take me instead of Wayne :)

Crystal said...

this is so adorable. i remember when i was like this. now that i "know" i dont know what i was thinking. lol. but this is sooo cute!

Miki said...

It was so nice to see you guys Mary! About the dishes, way to start em young! love ya!