Wednesday, August 12, 2009

home sweet home

It feels so nice to be home! Like most of you know, I grew up in Laie AND Provo and I really consider both as "home". When I was young my family moved from Laie to Provo so my dad could attend BYU. We stayed there eight years then moved back to Laie and I lived here until I got married and moved back to Provo. Since we've been married we've only been able to make it back a few times (STILL trying to talk Wayne into working at Delta. . . ha ha). While I feel at home in Provo (and I love it:)), I'll always consider Laie as my HOME.

I love it here. Love the people. Love the food. Love the culture. Love the weather. Love the ocean. I love my friends and family here. Really, it's such a special place. Feels so good to be home!


Megs said...

Reading all your Hawaii posts made me home sick for you!! I am so glad you got to go home and it sounds like such a wonderful trip! I am so happy we got a chance to come and see what life was like in Hawaii for you. Can you believe that was 10 years ago?

Unknown said...

We saw you standing in the yard the other day...welcome home! ;)