Tuesday, April 27, 2010

i'm glad i didn't get rid of all those pink clothes

. . . because we just found out

Due date: August 15
Possible names: nothing yet, but I'll keep you updated
Mom and Dad: Excited! - we're shooting for an all-girls soccer team ha ha


sarana said...

hey, there's nothing wrong with a cheer leading squad! lol.... mine is more of a soccer team though! and sisters are THE BEST! friends for life.
miss you! (sheesh, as if we live miles away!...hehehehe)

Unknown said...

Girls are WAY more fun to dress up!! How exciting =)

Soakai Fam said...

I know who I'll go to if ever I need to 'borrow' girl clothes, but its looking like a football team for us... maybe we'll be preggos at the same time some day Mare and you'd be willing to give me your baby girl for my baby boy, lol.

Crystal said...

Congrats Mary!! How Exciting!!

Megs said...

So so happy for you Mary. That is so fun. Three beautiful girls :)

Mary and Ryan said...

I am so happy for you and a tad bit jelous:) We might have to work out a boy/ girl trade one of these days:)

Line said...

Congratulations Mary and Wayne! Looks like you're following the Latu tradition, lol. You guys make beautiful baby girls, and they will all be the best of friends growing up.

Ku'uipo Photography said...

Wow Congrats!That's crazy my Sister-In-Law is due in Sep and they just found out they are having another girl also. I guess the "BOY" season is now officially over...lol :)

Andrea said...


Kassie said...

Wooo hooooo... that's so exciting.. another pretty princess..

Miki said...

Your girls are gonna be just like the Wayne's Sisters! Congrats Mary!

Tina said...

you go girls!!!

Melissa said...

That is so exciting congratulations!!!! You guys sure do have the cutest girls in the world!!! Jeff and I am coming up in July, we need to get together.

The Maire Family said...

How exciting! Big congratulations to you guys. She's gonna some great big sisters to take care of her.