Tuesday, May 25, 2010

weeee're IN!!

(Drum roll please. . . ) Yes!! We're officially moved in! Yipee! It was a loooong, painful, arduous process. . . BUT, I just unpacked the LAST box tonight. Now, I still got a lot of putting away, organizing and decorating to do. . . but it's OFFICIAL!! We are MOVED IN! Woohoo!

Come and visit us! ha ha


gramma peggy said...


How exciting!

Good job, Mary.

How lucky you guys are to have such a great house to live in with your precious little (growing) family!

I am so happy for you.




Stephanie said...

So where did you move? I think you need to blog about what you and Wayne are up to for those of us that are oblivious like me.

daveandsavani said...

yay congratulations!! hopefully we'll see you guys more often now that you live closer to guste and elsie. (cause you know, sundays just aren't enough! =)

Inouyes said...

OMG Yay I am totally stopping by tomorrow because I will see you tonight!I'm still upset that we didn't get a call to help seriously I'm not the FAKE hey we would love to help but, really don't want to just to be nice kind..I was totally down.. lol! Luv ya!

Ipo said...

Awesome!! I'm back in!! Hey, so I take it you guys are still in Utah. And using my critical thinking skills, I take it Wayne has gone over to the "dark side" and is at the U...ha!! So good to see and read about you and your family again!! Much alofa's!!

Line said...

I love your house. We'll visit ANYTIME! Haha!

dkeaquinto said...

I'm so excited for you! Someday we will be in a house- right now it's apartment life for us. I need your new address! (hello- Christmas cards!)

We opened our Conference edition of the Ensign and there you and your cute family are!! There is a great picture of y'all at the conference center! So cute!


Crystal said...

congrats mary! u must be loving it!