Tuesday, June 22, 2010

tantrums and potty training

For a while there I though we had altogether skipped the Terrible Two's. I remember reading about this stage and hearing about it from others and I'd get this smug feeling and think, "Phew! Glad I didn't have to go through all that!" Up to this point, Malia has been generally very mild mannered. She's been able to communicate pretty well and is overall a very happy child. Yet, here we are, two months away from her third birthday and I feel like we're just starting the TERRIBLE TWO'S. There is tantrums over everything. . . like, EVERYTHING! She's whiny and needy and working out her crying pipes much more than usual. It's not a constant thing - but it's frequent enough to start me thinking and wishing for the end to be in sight. Out of the two of us, Wayne is far more patient and in control. I usually have to leave the area to compose myself - I just get so frustrated! I try to get her what she needs, but I don't want to teach her tantrums are the way to get anything she wants. Any methods or advice from mother's who've been through this stage? Please help! I hope it passes soon!

For the past month or so Kina has been showing signs of being ready to potty train. When she is wet or dirty she'll run and get the diaper and wipes and lay down in front of me so I can change her. She tells me she has to make poop before she actually makes it, LOVES to sit on the potty, loves to wear panties and is constantly telling me she's a "big girl". I know, I know - she's READY - I just haven't been ready to fully commit to potty training. HOWEVER, I am now raring to go. We practiced a little over the weekend and today is her second day completely in panties. I made her a potty chart (and Malia one too after she saw Kina's) and am doing the every-hour-on-the-hour routine. Wish us luck!!


Line said...

Omg, I feel like Spencer went through the terrible two's since he was 18 months and is still going through it, lol. Of course, he has some really good days, even weeks. And just when I think we're past the terrible twos, he returns to constant tantrum throwing full force. One wise mother of 6 told me that they don't get past the terrible twos until they're like 8 years old. So I guess that's what we have to look forward to. Hahaha!

Ipo said...

i've never had a worse terrible two-er than i do now. Zeus is a nightmare. stubborn. and the tantrums. today i almost said those words that should NEVER come out of a mother's mouth. almost. i was so close. i have no words of advice. yeah, not comforting when my first terrible two-er was 20 yes, TWENTY years ago...and he's thrown his tantrums all the way to incarceration. so yeah, maybe i should have just not commented....sorry 'bout it. hang in there...once they're done with you, they terrorize the community at large and then end up in jail. i know, you're soooo glad i stopped by AND left a comment. love you...promise, i do!

sarana said...

#3 is in her terrible 2's but tries to act like she's 5, #2 is 4 and has the worse tantrums ever (legs go limp like she can't walk, she kicks the walls, i'll stop there!)
i usually become deaf & send them to the room, if in public i take them somewhere private & rip 'em a new one or i just put myself in timeout b/c i have no patience. ZERO patience. ZIP. NADAH. and when i don't remove myself (which happens more often than i like) i'm such a witch. it's hard for me to stay in control unlike ron who's calm & collective and can reason with the girls through tantrums. ugh! sorry, no words of wisdom. hopefully, tantrums will come to an end somewhere in the future. and, tell me why i want more??
oh, great job on potty training. go kina!

Crystal said...

wow. reading ur post and everyones comments scare me. lol. and good job kina!! :) way to go!!

mom said...

Hi Mary,
Thanks again for the posts. Congrats on Kina and her potty training! Who would have thought!!?!? As to Malia's "tantrums", sounds like you are handling them fine. I think the main thing is to try not to give them too much attention. They are part of growing up - the beginning of asserting her independence. sometimes the best thing is to leave the room so YOU can calm down. I think the best thing is to try not to give them too much fuel. I know that is hard cause usually kids choose times like when you are in public... but you are a smart and patient and loving mom and ... take a deep breath. It is hard I know. I am SO proud of you and Wayne for being such awesome parents. It really is part of growing up. I always thought that the timing was off - terrible twos were sometimes from before two and often after 2. So glad you are in the house and you guys have more space for this time... and the outside. A great cooling off place!

Sometimes changing the subject helps too. When Michael was having tantrums I finally consulted a psychologist.. and his advice was to change the subject, walk away, etc. Love you! Mom

mary said...

oh my goodness!! i LOVE all your comments! LOL THank you SOO much for all the advice!

line - i HEAR ya girl. it comes and goes. 8 yrs old huh? wow. that's AWESOME. ha ha

ipo - girl, you CRACK ME UP!! oh my goodness, i read your comment aloud to wayne and both of us were rolling. THANKYOU for stopping by. lol

sarana - ew! my girls do the limp-can't-walk thing too! sooo annoying. yup, and here we are pregnant again too!! lol i guess we're all gluttons for punishment.

mom - thank you!! i never knew michael had tantrums!! thanks for the advice

crystal - oh, crystal, your little precious newborn is so sweet. but i have a couple words for you for her toddler years. be afraid. . . be very afraid. LOL

Ku'uipo Photography said...

Oh man, Ever since we touched down in Cali Kaylene has been throwing herself on the ground and won't go to ANYONE else. I officially think she started her terrible twos 7 months early...YIKES!GOOD LUCK!!

The Maire Family said...

Oh wow, I think I needed to read your post and all these comments. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. My 2 year old is horrible right now. Wants to do everything "BY MYSELF!!" and just has such an attitude. My 4 y.o. wasn't quite as bad but she still has her own attitude and I remember thinking when she was going through it, "Oh no! I've created a monster! What did I do wrong?". I guess it does get easier in a way (maybe I've just gotten used to it haha) but then there's other stages that are just as fun and I guess its just a learning experience for everyone.

I love your potty training chart by the way. I may have to use that for #3 when he's ready. I know what you mean though about committing to potty train them. I swear I hate it worse than going into labor!

ChristopheRobyn said...

You'll have to give me potty training tip because I think Abby is almost ready and I have no idea what to do. It just sounds overwhelming.