Saturday, June 12, 2010

why toddlers need constant supervision

Yesterday, I was busy doing something downstairs when this continuous sound came to my attention. I realized I had ignored it for a while, but the consistency of it made it stick out to my ears. After listening for a moment I recognized it as a toilet paper role being spun over and over again.
I raced upstairs and saw this. . .

She proudly says, "Look Mommy! I got lots!!"

Yes, she just went potty. Yes, the whole toilet is full of paper and YES that is an EMPTY roll behind her.

Wonderful. Just wonderful.


Gramma Peggy said...

Oh, Mary, the fun has JUST begun.........

Don't you love the look of glee, of accomplishment, of sheer joy on her face?

Andrea said...

That seriously just made me laugh so hard! I can just see my two year old doing the same thing!

Unknown said...

HAHA!! I've seen many versions of the kid-unrolling-the-toilet-paper, but Malia wins. That is an awesome picture to go with an awesome story!!!

Leise said...

Bwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! LOVE it when kids do things they shouldn't but don't realize it and they're so proud haha.

Ipo said...

Catching up on your blog! Congrats on the new home for you and the family!! It looks so comfy and your Love the t.p. all used up!! You guys are hilarious! Still need to read older postings...yes, niele, so what?! Take care!! Alofa atu!

Crystal said...


Ku'uipo Photography said...

ha!ha! that's going to be hirlarious during her wedding video.

Ku'uipo Photography said...

ha!ha! that's going to be hirlarious during her wedding video.