Friday, December 31, 2010

the whoooole alisa family

Although I'm late in posting this, I wanted to make sure this made it to the blog.  This was taken at a Christmas/New Year's party at our dear friends, the Roy's.  I love our family!

David, Maddox, Shan, Gioey, Joseph, Joseph, Michael, Wayne
Inoke, Tali, Amalani, Dad, Malia, Mom, Kina, me and Tali

Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 family pics


Thanks Maka for the wonderful pics!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

december haps

We attended the Nonasina Ho'ike.
Tali got a bumbo!

Malia saw Santa Clause at the ward party

We had an all-girl sleepover

Tali started sucking two fingers
Malia and Kina took the train ride at Provo Towne Center
The two Tali's had some bonding time.
Malia danced in the Primary program

AND. . . after a trip to the dentist with daddy, we found out the girls are still CAVITY FREE! Woohoo! - the best news of the month!

Monday, December 20, 2010

things to do in the snow

 by: Malia and Kina

1. Make a SNOWMAN
2. SLEEP in it.

and last, but not least. . . 

3. EAT IT!! haha

** Thanks Gramma Peggy for the awesome snow gear.  As you can see, the girls LOVE IT!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

another reason i love my dad

Yesterday, I was going through the Hawaii pictures that are still on my camera and I found THIS.  lol! I think my dad was playing around with my camera behind my back again. 

Friday, December 10, 2010

flashback friday - elder alisa

Today I'd like to flash back to two years ago when my little brother Michael became Elder Alisa and left to serve the Lord as a missionary in Puerto Rico.  This post is dedicated to him because he will be returning from Puerto Rico NEXT WEDNESDAY!!! Woohoo!!  I can't believe it's been two years already!  He will first go home to Hawaii and then will come to Utah on December 23.  I'm so excited to see him!  
Dropping off Elder Alisa at the MTC two years ago.
Like I've said in many previous posts, Michael is the coolest in our family and everyone's favorite sibling. haha As the baby of the family he always seemed to be light years ahead of us when we were his age.  Even as a little elementary school kid he used to hang out with me and my high school friends - he was just part of the group.  We all tease Michael for having it "easy" growing up (by the time he came around our family wasn't as poor as we were when we were growing up, so he got things like pizza and fast food which we NEVER got haha) but he's always been sweet, polite, respectful and humble.  I love my baby brother!  Like I said, he's our favorite. haha

Because our relationship has always been close, it was very emotional for me when he left.  I still remember the day he was born.  I remember when he wore diapers.  I remember when he was learning how to read.  When I called home from my mission and I remember I didn't recognize him because his voice was so low.  I have so many little memories of him growing up and it's so crazy to me that he's old enough to be a MISSIONARY!  No matter how old he gets, though, he'll always be my baby brother.

As a missionary, he has made me so proud.  He has served the Lord with all his might, mind and heart.  His knowledge, testimony and heart have grown in so many ways.  He is such an example to me.  It's been amazing reading about his experiences and trials these past two years.  He's met so many wonderful people and had so many miracles happen.  He was an awesome representative of Jesus Christ and I'm so grateful for the mission he has served and the testimony he has shared.

In closing, I want to share the letter he wrote me last week - his last letter to me from the mission field.
Mary ... I feel many emotions right now and I could talk about them for a long time but the most overwhelming emotion that I'm feeling is gratitude. 
i'm so grateful mary... i love my Savior
Elder Alisa

Love you Elder Alisa!  Nos Vemos Pronto!

Saturday, December 04, 2010

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Judging by the placement of the ornaments, can you guess which two little elves decorated our tree?

Thursday, December 02, 2010

trip lessons

We're back in Utah!  We loved Hawaii, but it's nice to be home.  Here are some of the things I learned on our two and a half week trip with three kids.

  • I want to move to Hawaii. haha No, I'm for real.  Maybe not live there forever, but I'd love to live there again sometime.  I love Utah - there are so many good things about this place - but I love Hawaii and I think it would be awesome to live there while my children are small.  I loved watching the kids eating home grown fruit all day, playing outside with the neighbors, sleeping deeply in the clean moist air and not having to bundle up.  Anyways, that is my dream.  If it doesn't come to reality, I'll still be quite content in Utah, but ah! I can dream!! lol
  • Kids aren't the same on vacation as they are at home.  While my kids LOVED Hawaii, they acted very differently there. They didn't listen or obey as well as usual and had moments of whining and tantrums.  There were also times of hyperactivity.  I've never seen them so energetic for so long.  I think the differences may be due to the absence of their daddy and being in a completely new environment.  Still, these small changes in their behavior were minor and really didn't overshadow the enjoyment of the trip and of course, won't discourage me to take other trips in the future haha:)
  • Kids grow when they travel.  Just like traveling does so much for adults in terms of gaining knowledge and perspective, I think it's a priceless growing experience for children as well.  Kina and Malia were both talking more and Tali became much more responsive and social.  They all matured.  It was pretty amazing to watch.  
  • A vacation with kids isn't really a "vacation".  Yesterday, someone asked me if I had fun.  After I said yes they said, "Good. You deserved a break."  I kind of giggled a bit. While just being in Hawaii is a treat in itself to me, traveling with kids is no easy task.  Being without a spouse and out of your own home and routine means a lot of work.  So, no - a vacation with kids isn't really a "break" . . . but it sure is a lot of fun!
and the last thing I learned?
  • My parents are the bomb.  During the time we were there my mom didn't work or do anything else but be with us.  I got a taste of what it's like to live under my parents roof again because Mom and Dad bought all the food, supplies etc. - I felt very spoiled while there.  My parents are empty nesters and are use to having an open schedule (and peace and quiet haha) yet they welcomed us and did so much to make sure we enjoyed our visit.  We did.  It was wonderful and I am so grateful for them and their love.  My kids LOVED Hawaii and it was in large part, due to my parents and the time they spent taking us places and showing them things.  I know it was exhausting and I am so thankful for everything they did. Thank you Mom and Dad!  We love you SOO much!
Mom (and our neighbors dog) on one of our MANY walks
around Laie.
I'm glad Dad's painting skills got put to good
use while we were there.

We heart Hawaii