Thursday, December 23, 2010

december haps

We attended the Nonasina Ho'ike.
Tali got a bumbo!

Malia saw Santa Clause at the ward party

We had an all-girl sleepover

Tali started sucking two fingers
Malia and Kina took the train ride at Provo Towne Center
The two Tali's had some bonding time.
Malia danced in the Primary program

AND. . . after a trip to the dentist with daddy, we found out the girls are still CAVITY FREE! Woohoo! - the best news of the month!


lilika'imoana said...

so many great happenings :) yay for being CAVITY FREE! merry christmas to the beautiful LATU family :) hope you all are having a lovely, relaxing holiday break. much love from the funaki's! xoxo

sarana said...

i love the modesty tali has by covering up with a washcloth! LOL......

Line said...

looks like it was a busy month for you guys! good job keeping your girls cavity-free. that's more than i can say for myself lol

The Maire Family said...

We just got a bumbo for Asher today. They're fantastic.