Thursday, November 10, 2011

the autumn leaves

We have several big and beautiful trees around our house.  I LOVE them in the Spring and Summer - they look great, provide tons of shade and keep our house cool.  There's actually only one season of the year that I don't totally adore them. . . and that's Fall.  A lot of trees = a LOT of leaves to rake.  Last year we did like, thirty bags in just one day.  Of course, the season usually lasts a couple months so the yard requires several raking jobs before the snow comes.  It's a lot of work, but I think having trees all year round is worth the effort. It's not too bad - I try to look at it as my workout for the day! haha Plus, the kids really enjoy it!

Malia and Kina jumped in, played in and threw the leaves the whole afternoon.  It didn't really do a lot to keep my nice little piles neat, BUT they took great naps afterward sooo I guess it was a give and take.

Sweet Tali. Trying to help. I know which daughter loves me the most! haha

Happy Autumn!

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