Monday, June 02, 2008

Malia Lately

Can you tell who makes her laugh the most? :)

Yes, I took a small break, but after a phone call from Hazel I'm ready to jump back on the wagon.

Here are some recent pics of Malia with her parents. We are so amazed at how much she has grown in the past few months. We can't keep her still. She is the most curious little girl I've ever seen - crawling and climbing everywhere and always pulling down everything. Her favorite game is to pull the CD's and books down from the entertainment system one by one. Gotta love it!

We've gotten mixed reviews on who everyone thinks she looks like, so I stole this idea from Harm to settle the matter. Apparently, it's WAYNE. What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can we vote? I think she looks like Mary!!!