Kina, baby Kina's namesake, got to hold and feed her for the first time. It was very sweet.

I got a chance to breastfeed her for the first time today. She latched on pretty well after a few tries and was sucking for about 10 minutes. All the work seemed to wipe her out. She was too tired to continue, but was still hungry so we gave her a bottle to fill her up. It was her first time and she did great.

Kina got her PICC Line out today. She is now completely IV free. HORAAY! We also found she was up to 5 lbs 10 oz. That is a whole pound more than what she weighed at birth!
I breastfed Kina again today. She ate for 20 minutes - a full feeding. She is up to full bottle feeding as well - 2 oz. When we get home I will feed her 8 times a day or every 3 hours - 3 of those feeding will be breastfed and 5 by a calorie enriched bottle (she needs 22 cals). It all seems very technical! I just hope I don't forget anything.:)
I bathed her again, but this time she got a full jacuzzi bath tub - the bubbles were homemade by me. She LOVED being in the water. It was so cute!

Can you see her scar on her tummy? Our nurse took off her terry strips today. The "belly button" and her little scar are healing great.
I finally got a picture of Kina's angel nurse, Nancy. Nancy has been Kina's bedside nurse since she was born and has been there almost every day of her life. She is very thorough, very gentle and in my opinion, the best nurse at Primary's (she's been there for 27 years!). We lucked out and we are going to miss her. We love you Nancy!!
This week has been amazing. Kina is getting so much better so fast. I truly believe her progress is due to the prayers and fasting that have been sent up in her behalf. I am so grateful for the wonderful nurses and doctors at Primary's and the support from our awesome family and friends. It has been a trying time for our family, but truly a very positive time. We've seen the goodness in so many people. We are so blessed and so grateful. We are SO excited to finally bring her home!!
aww so nice that she was able to go home, congrats- and I must add you are looking good girl- kiss baby for me!
I'm so glad to hear that your baby is such a trooper! that's so great! And, I do HAVE TO mention that she is SOOOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL! You guys have such BEAUTIFUL girls!
I'm so excited that she's doing so well! It's just amazing that you already get to take her home. I'm so happy for you guys. She's beautiful and I'm just so glad everything has turned out.
mary..i'm so happy and excited for you. i had to do fortify the breast milk as well, let me know how it's working for you. we stopped doing it after a while because it made noah soooo constipated. it just made it so thick....and there's the stupid pumping still, blah! but you must be loving her home with you guys. i'm glad that everything went so well for you guys. ttyl
Hey Mary it's Trudi. I found your blog through Shan and David's. I'm so happy to hear that everything went well with baby Kina and I'm glad that she's finally able to go home with you guys. Good luck with everything!!
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