Thursday, October 09, 2008

interview on KSL

On Wednesday, Kathy Aiken from KSL Channel 5 News came to our home with a camera crew to interview Wayne for a story about baby Kina and our family. It will air on Sunday between 10:35 and 11:00. Check it out!


BETS & VETS said...

I will defintely tune in, how exciting!

Tane and Angela said...

wow! so famous! too bad we can't check it out here...

Brittany said...

i'm excited to see it! (and- sometimes KSL's website will make their video clips "embeddable"- so you can put them on your site or blog!!)

Unknown said...

Very cool, can't wait to watch it!

The Brownz said...

Hey can I have your autograph lol:)

The Guirola-Uyema's said...

hey, check out my blog for the intive to our Halloween party... let me know if you can make it I would LOVE it if you could come!

Vika said...

mary, how exciting! Will for sure going to watch it.

Lavi said...

I watched it!! and I loved it :) and you guys are supremely blessed with that lil' angel :)

Inouyes said...

Exciting your so famous!