Monday, November 24, 2008

playdate with margie

Last week we had a small-kine BYUH/PCC reunion when Margaret Racule Vance came up to Utah for a visit with her two kids. I haven't seen her since 2005 - BEFORE her oldest daughter was born. She was my Fiji lead at night show for a few years before my mission and attended BYUH while we were all there. It was so nice to visit with each other and eat Tianas yummy ham sandwiches and all the other food everyone brought. Though it was reeeeally cold, the kiddies had fun running around, playing on the swings and playing with each other.

Align Center

Line and Spencer
(he LOVED the swings)

Margaret, Wesley and Nia
(aren't her kids gorgeous? yes, they are both from the same 2 parents. lol)

Tiana and Lupe
(when some teenage boys started to play rough on the swings she quickly yelled, "stop it! you're going to break them!!" You GO GIRL!)

Me and Malia (and Kina behind in stroller)
(Malia was enjoying her cheeto. . .I mean, uh, her carrot)

Lene, Rachel, Elise and Hutch
(and the winner of the "most kids award" goes to. . . lol)

all the kidddies

Again, we really only do these play dates for the kids. lol. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

COUGAR FOOTBALL - congrats to the Utes!

48 - 24 Utah

I want to be the first to congratulate the Utah Utes on their win. Seriously, they had a GREAT season and played an AWESOME game. They won the MWC Championship and will probably go to a BCS bowl. They are a VERY talented team. ANY team that can bust into the BCS deserves respect - and they've earned it. I'm sad BYU lost, of course, buy hey, you win some, you lose some and BYU has had a good season too.:)

My dad, my mom, Tali, Malia, Kina and I braved the cold weather to be at the game. I was excited to be there. I was very impressed by the U of U football team. They were fast, exact and their defense and quarterback were amazing. They were able to take advantage of every mistake the Cougars made and capitalize on it. I was not impressed with the U of U fans. They were mean, rude, classless and demeaning. It was horrible. . . while we were walking into the stadium with my two little girls in tow, a guy pulled up beside us and yelled, "GO BACK TO PROVO" from his car. I just looked at him in disbelief - I mean, we are still civilized adults, aren't we? During the game, the fans across the aisle in the stadium taunted us and flipped the bird after every good thing the Utes did. When did just cheering for your team become not enough? After the game, the U of U fans rushed the field and the BYU players walked off in defeat. When they got in front of us a man threw his cup of soda and ice right into Matt Ah-you's face. The other players were heckled by other fans - like, right in their faces! I don't get it. Can't the losing team even leave with a little dignity?

Oh well. I know none of those mean fans read my blog anyway and that there are plenty of mean BYU fans as well, but I needed to express my frustration of my experience at the game. I love a good rivalry, I really do! but is it possible some take it a little too far?

Friday, November 21, 2008

my undercover blogger

Yup. It's true, folks - my husband blogs. And not only does he blog - he's enjoys it.

His conversion story is similar to others - I joined the blogging world early this year by myself and was instantly hooked. He would smirk at my "addiction" (as he called it) and joke with his friends about our blog. Every now and then I would make him look at a post I put up or a blog of our friends that had something interesting. It would always take a lot of coaxing to even get him to LOOK at the page. Little by little, however, I could see his attitude towards blogging changing. Soon I would find him checking our blog by himself, with no encouragement from me. Later, I would find him reading other blogs and even checking the comments to read those. At the present time, I would call him hooked. He has yet to actually complete a post - he's all about checking others' - but someday, maybe. . . . He has always blogged in secrecy, but recently came out of the blogger closet to comment on something he feels passionate about (Thanks Jill!). Yes, I expect big things from him. With his humor and writing ability, i know he has the potential to be a great blogger someday. With a little encouragement and ACCEPTANCE by all of us, I know he can do it. lol.

So in honor of my blogging husband I am writing this post just for you, hon. I'm so proud of you Wayne for coming out. Way to go! I'm happy we can finally do this together as a couple. . . as a FAMILY. I love you, my blogband (that's husband + blogger. lol). Ladies, let's show some love to all the blogbands out there - you guys ROCK!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

happy birthday wayne!

One week ago today was Wayne's Birthday. Yup, the big 2 - 5! We had a few mini celebrations to commemorate the special occasion.

On Saturday, Wayne's family took us out to eat at Waynes favorite restaurant - The Happy Sumo. I'm not a big seafood fan, but even I can appreciate their sushi - very yummy. The best, though, is their dessert (try the tempura banana split). DEEEELICIOUS!!

Melba, Nia, Le'o, Kika, Kina

Kalo, me (lookin' REAL good with the fake smile) and Wayne

On Monday we had a fun night with our Family Home Evening group. It was at the Afutiti's beautiful home (for reals, BEAUTIFUL, esPECIally the TV), the Kalamafoni's taught the lesson ("if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear" - horaay for food storage!), the Filimoeatu's brought the activity (K, I have to know - who had the Snickers?) and the Hola's provided the treat (it's KLONDIKE, Tema. lol).

The highlight of the evening, however, was without-a-doubt the Rock Band/Guitar Hero. I had never played the whole band game before and it was the BOMB!

We played a game - girls against boys - and even though the boys' vocalist tried to hide everyone's bad playing by singing really REALLY loud. . . the truth was revealed with the final scores and our practice and concentration paid off - we WON!!

cool girls - Tema, Crystal, Candice, me

rockin' boys - Tevita, Wayne, David, Rocky

We finished the evening with a birthday cake for Wayne.

On Tuesday, I made Wayne breakfast (not in bed, because he woke up while I was cooking) and at night we went out to eat as a family. It was nice.

Wayne got 2 presents. The first was an album with all his missionary pictures in it. I made the front and back covers out of foam (the back is a Dominican Republic flag) and sorted his pictures that have been everywhere forever since his mission and put them inside. It's something he's been "meaning to do" for a long time.

He said he liked it.

The second was a FISH! I think he actually got it for Malia, but we can count it too. He took Malia to the pet store and she picked this one out. We've yet to pick out a name. Any ideas?

Happy Birthday Wayne! Thank you for being such a wonderful husband and daddy to Malia and Kina. Thank you for making us laugh everyday and for working so hard. I love you!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

a day in the latu life

I got this idea from a friends blog. Every week I'll blog about some segment of our day. . .again, this is for posterity's sake. :)

This is how a typical night in the Latu house goes. Sometimes this routine can take 30 minutes. Sometimes it can take 2 hours. Everything is times 2.

First - Dinner
(Malia's favorite dinner is pasta. She also likes chicken soup, pizza and potatoes and roast. Kina likes. . .milk.)

Second - BATH TIME!
(Both Malia and Kina LOVE their baths. Malia likes the tub totally full and all her toys floating around her. She's also just learned how to splash. . .and she loves that too:) Kina just chills.)

Third - Pajamas
(Malia hates getting lotioned and diapered. She hates even more getting her jamies on. I think Kina looks at getting lotioned like how I look at getting a full body massage - she loves it.)

Fourth - Stories
(Malia has all the stories in her shelf MEMORIZED. She will do all the sound effects before we even get there. If we don't start reading her books fast enough after her bath she will grab them and read them to herself. . . like she did this night. Kina likes to be sung to.)

Last - SLEEEEP (IF we're lucky)
(I didn't take a pic of this because both my girls are such light sleepers the click of the camera would wake them up. Sad, huh. But when this final step is achieved, we both rush to relax - ahhh! finally some Wayne-Mary time. :))

Monday, November 10, 2008

COUGAR FOOTBALL - a Touchdown at Senior Day

Saturday was a home game against San Diego State University. It was PERFECT football weather - sunny and cool. Since it was the LAST home game of the season the seniors were honored as it was their very last time playing in LaVell Edwards stadium as Cougars. The game was fun to watch. We got ahead early and stayed that way. Michael got some good playing time and forced a fumble that was recovered by BYU in the 3rd quarter. That play led to a TOUCHDOWN by Wayne. If you missed it, here it is - second by second. lol. Just follow #33. (Thanks Brittany for the pics!)


Some of the local media had some nice things to say about Wayne. At the risk of sounding like a braggart, I'll post them here for posterity's sake:) (Thanks again Brittany!)
Senior Wayne Latu carried three times for 15 yards and a touchdown. Does anyone else notice how much quicker Latu hits the line of scrimmage [than some of his counterparts?]
-Real Football 365
The Cougars' third touchdown of this game came on a power run by Latu from the three. Latu is hitting the line faster than the other Cougar backs.
-Deseret News Game Blog
Now you KNOW we got Harvey and Fui's backs - but...
Way to go, Wayne Train!!

Here's a close-up of Fui clearing the way for Wayne. Thanks FUUUUU-I! lol.

Since the weather was so nice, it was a blast watching the game from the stands. Malia was great - she actually slept half the game!

The final score was 41-12 BYU. Gooo Cougars!

After the game, Wayne was honored along with his fellow seniors on the field. Each was presented with a "Y" blanket by Coach Mendenhall. Pres. Samuelson and Vice-Pres. Wirthin were standing by to congratulate each senior. Everything was captured on the jumbo-tron. Families were invited to walk with their player - I think Wayne had the biggest (and most noise producing) family there. :)It was a fun moment!

President Samuelson and Wayne

It was very bittersweet. Everyone was ecstatic about winning the game, but down knowing it would be their last game in their home stadium. Wayne said he felt so sad running out onto the field knowing he would never do it again as a team member. Even I was getting a little melancholy. I love BYU football! I'm gonna miss it. I have to wait till Mikey gets back from his mission to have a family member on the team again. I'm counting down the days already! lol. It's been a great season! Thanks for all the good times!

Wayne and his girls

I think Sili was channeling "Lion King".

Hey Joseph and Michael - try find your own pose.


After taking this picture I told David he looked gay. He said, "Yeah, that was the point.". . .Okey dokey then.

This is what happens when you force people to stay and take pictures an hour after the game. lol. kalofae.

Our little family