Sunday, November 16, 2008

a day in the latu life

I got this idea from a friends blog. Every week I'll blog about some segment of our day. . .again, this is for posterity's sake. :)

This is how a typical night in the Latu house goes. Sometimes this routine can take 30 minutes. Sometimes it can take 2 hours. Everything is times 2.

First - Dinner
(Malia's favorite dinner is pasta. She also likes chicken soup, pizza and potatoes and roast. Kina likes. . .milk.)

Second - BATH TIME!
(Both Malia and Kina LOVE their baths. Malia likes the tub totally full and all her toys floating around her. She's also just learned how to splash. . .and she loves that too:) Kina just chills.)

Third - Pajamas
(Malia hates getting lotioned and diapered. She hates even more getting her jamies on. I think Kina looks at getting lotioned like how I look at getting a full body massage - she loves it.)

Fourth - Stories
(Malia has all the stories in her shelf MEMORIZED. She will do all the sound effects before we even get there. If we don't start reading her books fast enough after her bath she will grab them and read them to herself. . . like she did this night. Kina likes to be sung to.)

Last - SLEEEEP (IF we're lucky)
(I didn't take a pic of this because both my girls are such light sleepers the click of the camera would wake them up. Sad, huh. But when this final step is achieved, we both rush to relax - ahhh! finally some Wayne-Mary time. :))


Unknown said...

Hey that is a lot like my life except for I can't get Sitani to go to bed at the same time as Marley. I think that we kinda messed up on the bed time schedule with him. Poor first kid. Your girls are growing up so fast and Malia is adorable. That is the first picture that I really saw of Kina where she doesn't look like so much of a baby. I can't believe how much she has changed from the other pics. Your family is beautiful. I have to tell you that I kinda got my hands on a better camera and so if you ever want to try some pictures I would love to just at least practice on your girls. They are so cute.

Tane and Angela said...

wow! super mom! props to you mary...i'm still trying to figure out some sort of routine with my girls. at least i know who to ask for advice=)

Line said...

Isn't it the best when the process takes 30 min rather than 2 hrs? :) I love the pic of Malia reading--so cute! And also... Spencer hates being lotioned. He just doesn't like staying still for that long. I guess it's a toddler thing.

Ipo said...

You two are such great parents. A typical evening in our home includes my voice recorded saying, "go brush your teeth" played about 5x's, "pick up all those clothes off the floor" 5x's, and "this is your last warning to turn that light off." sigh.

Tyler and Jessica Kozlowski said...

your little girls are so cute! You are one lucky momma :) Hope everything is going good let us know if you need anything!

A.Niu said...

To cute. Love the idea, but i write to much in my blog as is. Love it.

harmony said...

so precious, mare. thanks for sharing! i always wonder how i'd be able to handle two are awesome! and the bubbas are sooo cute. keep up the good work girl.

Inouyes said...

I love it your girls are beautiful and I agree Line the pic of her reading is adorable :)!