Thursday, May 28, 2009

jump on it, jump on it

Last week we went to a jumping gym. There were trampolines everywhere. After a few minutes of tentative tiptoeing around the tramps, Malia finally loosened up and started jumping. She's so light, however, it was hard to actually jump very high. Still, she had a lot of fun and was sleeping before we got home. I love jumping gyms.


Me said...

wow super fun!!!

Unknown said...

Was that Lotoa sneaking his way into the video? hehe. Looks like a ton of fun. =)

Lavi said...

ummmm I <3 Jump on it too!!! hahaha Malia is so Cute!!!!

alexis said...

Excuse my son and his side busting on your video!

harmony said...

u love jumping gyms, mare? or u love how they make malia sleepy? lol, jk. we soo need sleepy gyms, oh - i mean, jumping gyms here in the islands.

mary said...

ha ha. sleepy gyms. i like that one harm.