Friday, June 12, 2009

for a moment like THIS

Like it says in the bible, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven". As a mommy I experience story time and bath time and play time and nap time. While motherhood is rewarding and I LOVE being mom . . . I really do!. . . something I look forward to every now and then is MOMMY TIME!!!! lol.

My mommy time this month came in the form of a KELLY CLARKSON concert!! (I know, I can't believe she came to Provo either) I didn't really know what American Idol was back when she won, but I've kinda kept tabs on her ever since. I love her voice! and I love that she is kinda chubby! ha ha. She is an awesome performer - one that sounds the same live as she does on her records. I had so much fun at the concert - it was a great night out.

Jackie, Jenny, Alexis, Line and me.

She sang all her new songs. Seriously, her voice was amazing. She's one of those singers that can sing at the top of her lungs like, almost screaming, and still sound good.

It had been raining all day; then, right before the concert, the rain stopped and a rainbow came out. I thought it made a cool pic.

Me and Tali - love my sister

I left the concert feeling rejuvenated and so ready to be with my girls. I love mommy time!

1 comment:

BETS & VETS said...

Cool looks like so much fun, my husband wanted to go but I got chicken when I looked at the over cast sky. Hey girl hope to see you at the reunion on sat.