Wednesday, August 26, 2009

happy birthday malia and kina

My little girls are one year older! Malia is two and Kina is one, they are four days less than a year apart. I love it - joint everything!! ha ha. Friday was Kina's birthday and yesterday was Malia's. Last year, Kina was in the hospital and I was recovering from labor for Malias birthday and we didn't really do anything, so I wanted to make sure we remembered the day this year. They both enjoyed their cupcakes!

I love my little girls! I can't believe how fast they are growing. It was a somewhat difficult year for me - with two little girls so close in age and all of Kina's early heath issues, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I've definitely "had my hands full" (as many random people in any public area will tell me after seeing me carrying two babies), but I've been so blessed. I love seeing them grow up together - I'm so glad they are so close. I'm grateful for all the love and support I and they have received from our families and friends. We couldn't have done without you! Thank you! We love you! and I love my little girls.

Happy Birthday Malia and Kina!


harmony said...

awww so sweet, mare! man, u are the bomb for keeping up with posting and updating everyone. i've been so out of the whole blogging thing that i forgot to check up on how u guys were doing after getting back home! happy to hear that y'all are doing well. and i can't wait to see u guys in december. u can help me pack next!

jill langston kaufusi said...

Happy birthday to the little beauties!

RazakFamily said...

Nothing wrong with "having your hands full". Better than being bored, right?!?!
Happy birthday to your girls!!

Unknown said...

Mary, your girls are SO adorable. Happy birthday to Malia and Kina!

Jenilyn said...

i just want you to know that i love reading your blog...your trip to hawaii looked sooooo fun it made me homesick!!! your girls are adorable i can't say it enough!

Line said...

Happy birthday and thanks for letting us celebrate your birthdays with you! :)

Me said...

Happy birthday malia and kina!!!!!!!! Aw these are the cutest pictures!!!!!!!!

Leilini W. Kinikini said...

How Cute! Sorry so late...but Happy Late Birthday cuties!