Saturday, October 24, 2009

i feel ya girl

At almost every luau I've gone to, the MC's always say the same corny lines. A favorite is, "In Polynesia we don't eat till we're full. We eat till we're tired." That line came into mind as I watched my poor little girl try to get comfortable while finishing her toast today.

Faka ofa

(Bonus points for the day - Can anyone name the TV show I was watching? he he)


RazakFamily said...

Sometimes, that's how I feel too!!!

Taylor @ Drinking From Jars said...

That is such a funny video! Love it! We need to meet up sometime. Maybe have a huge FHE with all the Laie people.

Inouyes said...

LOL...Love it!

Vika said...

:) that's hilarious!

Katina Angola said...

Cant name the show, but she is sure cute!

Titi said...

haha...too cute!

Crystal said...

spence and i watched this and were cracking up! i think my mom has videos of me and my brothers falling asleep at the table too. soo funny!

Leilini W. Kinikini said...

This has happened far to many times ...and I don't know why each time it does I have to get out my camera too! LOL!

My guess on the show is "Matt & Kate Plus 8?" long shot?