Wednesday, November 11, 2009

happy birthday wayne!!

Today is Wayne's birthday! Yup, the big 2 - 6. In honor of his completion of 26 years of life, I will write 26 things I love about my husband (I guess I'll have to narrow it down ha ha). In no particular order, I love Wayne because . . .
  1. He loves me!
  2. He's Tongan but raised in the mainland. I feel like we have a lot in common.
  3. He plays the piano beautifully - love to hear him play
  4. He is the only boy in his family and is close to his sisters.
  5. He makes me laugh
  6. He expresses his love everywhere, all the time no matter what. No shame (. . . I got a lot of embarrassing stories about this one, but, uh, . . . just take my word for it)
  7. He's good at every sport he tries
  8. When he enters a room, he brings in an energy with him - I call it waynergy! lol.
  9. We can communicate in our "secret" language - Spanish (ha ha too bad everyone in Utah speaks it too!)
  10. He's an AWESOME daddy and Malia and Kina ADoRE him
  11. He's smart - at hard things like Chemistry
  12. He puts up with all my mood swings, explosions, melt downs and faults. God bless him.
  13. He's superbuff - just last week he benched 400 LBS for the first time ever! I don't really know what that means, but I'm still very proud ha ha
  14. If he's home, he always gets up first in the morning to get the girls their breakfast, just so I can sleep a little longer.
  15. He's a returned missionary and an eagle scout woot! woot!
  16. He's a leader
  17. He has goals and the potential to fulfill every one of them. I believe in him.
  18. He's serviceable - I remember before we had kids he would take me to this nursing home every week where he played piano for the old people - I thought it was so cute.
  19. He's handsome and always looks clean cut
  20. He'll eat my cooking and say, "It's delicious!" even when I know it's not.
  21. He knows when I've had a bad day and will try to make things better. . .even when he's had an even harder day.
  22. Even when I look like a train wreck, he thinks I'm beautiful (or at least he makes me believe that he does ha ha)
  23. Whenever we fight he's usually the first to say sorry
  24. He doesn't spend money on clothes, cologne or shoes etc. (just on sushi he he)
  25. He expresses his appreciation freely and often And lastly and most important. . .
  26. He has a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ
I love Wayne! Sure, we've had our ups and downs and will probably have a lot more of them, but we love each other and that will never change. I'm so grateful we found each other - I really feel he is the mate of my SOUL. he he. I'm excited to share many more birthdays together. Happy birthday honey!!


Corinne said...

That is sweet Mary! I'm glad you have such a great guy....Happy Birthday Wayne!

MOM said...

Great post Mary!!! I love Wayne too!!! Mom

Line said...

Happy birthday Wayne! We're so glad to have you guys as our lifetime friends. :)

Oh and Saia said he doesn't believe Wayne really benched 400 lbs. Hahahaha jk!

hine.T said...

Ok...THAT was a beautiful tribute! He is an awesome guy! Happy Birthday Wayne!

Ashleigh said...

So cute! Happy b'day, Wayne, from the Lautaha family.

Inouyes said...


jaY said...

thanks for all the materieal i can now use next time i see wayne...i think he's pretty sexy too! tell him happy bday-oh wait he'll read this since he's a blogstalker!