Wednesday, March 10, 2010

and the award goes to. . .

After watching the Oscars last Sunday (I LOVED J.Lo's dress!!!), I feel inspired to give some awards away. The following are some short films I found on my computer from this last month featuring a couple aspiring artists I know and the veeery prestigious awards I gave them.

Best Future Modern Dancer

Best Minding your Own Business while Others Read Aloud

Best Swimsuit Models


MOM said...

adorable!!! I LOVE Malia dancing with the costume... where did the costume come from? I love that Wayne was playing the piano for her! I loved the reading too! Malia is SO careful with the paper pages. And the snowman - Love the boots with the pink dress! The swimsuit is cute too! Thanks for posting those. I am missing you all so much. I am grateful for the job but I do miss everyone so much! I love you guys!!! Mom

sarana said...

okay, ms mary - your creativity never ceases to amaze me! this post is sooooo stinkin' cute. love you!

Jenn Miyamoto said...

Wow! You have some adorable little ladies!

Tina said...

Best Snowman Song Singer: MARY!!! Loved it :)

David & Amanda said...

haha mary this is the cutest thing i have seen in a LONG TIME! i love it!

Author said...

sooooooooooooooooo freakin cute mar!!! i see wayne taught them his dance moves, but they make them look good lol this is so so cute!

Tane and Angela said...

i loved the excitement in Kina when you sang the SNowman was like she couldn't hold in all of the excitment! your girls are soo cute and growing up!

Margaret Vance said...

I love the snowman video. Soooooo precious!

Author said...

love this love this love this!!!!