Monday, April 05, 2010

conference weekend

I've blogged before about our biannual family tradition of traveling up to SLC to watch the General Conference of the LDS Church on Temple Square. Well, this year we broke from tradition. Instead of traveling up to conference on Friday and Saturday morning (which, when the first session starts at 10 AM, equals a pretty early wake-up time to dress two adults, two kids and complete a one hour car ride) we drove up on Friday night and STAYED in SLC till Sunday night. I gotta say - it was AWESOME. We stayed in the condo of a good family friend of the Latu's. Not only was this condo next door to the conference center, it also HAPPENED to be decorated like DISNEYLAND . . . sooooo needless to say, my kids had a BLAST. We were able to spend a fun, relaxing and spiritually uplifting weekend with Wayne's family - it was easily the most fun I've ever had during conference weekend. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to hear our prophets counsel and testimony and the messages from the leadership of the church (Elder Hollands talk was my favorite!!). My testimony is strengthened and I feel inspired to be a better person.

Malia and Kina have never been to Disneyland, but they know who Mickey Mouse is and I now have a good idea how they would react if we ever went. As soon as we entered the "Mickey Mouse House" (as Malia called it), she was absolutely GLOWING. She ran from place to place to hold, touch and ooh and ahh over EVERYthing. It was so fun to watch.

The condo was unbelievable. I wish I took more pictures of the place - the hardwood floors, sinks, artwork, towels, pool table, beds, dishes, bathtubs (and as you can see, archways) - EVERYTHING was Mickey Mouse. Let's just say the kids weren't the only ones excited to run around and see it all. ha ha

This was Malia and Kina's room. They're eating popcorn and watching Fantasia.

The living room and gathering place - and where I watched one of the sessions while the girls were napping

Wayne laughing cause he can't believe I just beat him AGAIN in Pac Man.

On Saturday afternoon, during the Priesthood session, we met up with our friends Vika and Bubba Filimoeatu for a swim in the Marriott swimming pool, where they were staying. Since the pool was slightly cold, the kids took frequent dips in the hot tub. Ah! I can't wait till summer!!

Sunday was GORGEOUS weather. We enjoyed temple square and running into friends and family on our stroll.

Our family

Concerning this NEW way of doing things - I have to say, I didn't miss the grumpiness (from me OR the kids) that I usually experience after a stressful morning or the fight to keep my eyes open during the sessions from the lack of sleep I had. I LOVED waking up, eating a relaxing breakfast as a family and then WALKING to conference. I was able to truly enjoy and really soak in all the treasures that were offered by our wise leaders. I loved the fun weekend with my family and I LOVED conference!!


mom said...

Thank you Mary and Wayne for being so awesome and putting conference first in your lives! Dad and I enjoyed all the sessions in our family room! Not quite the same, but inspired by it all! We love you all so much! Love, Mom

sarana said...

what a fun condo to stay in for the weekend!

Line said...

Wow, sounds like it was an amazing conference weekend! We'll have to look into making a mini-vacation out of conference weekend in the future. :)

Author said...

yaaaaaaaaaaaa love those pictures!!! that was the bomb weekend, thanks so much for treking up there w/us, mar! i got home and discovered that 2nd knife that i brought for the bagels lol speaking of accidentally bringing things home from the condo, wayne didn't happen to accidentally bring home the key? i'd be happy to take it up there on

Tina said...

You guys seriously are so cute! I'm pretty sure that everyone who's ever met you thinks you are AMAZING. Oh and BTW the love between Wayne and Adney is mutual. LOL

Gramma said...

I can't believe the Mickey Mouse House! What fun for the girls, AND for you.

I'm so glad it was a good conference, and that you could actually be relaxed enough to be totally present.

I love all the pictures. The girls are getting more adorable all the time. All of you look happy and beautiful!

I love you all so much.


Kassie said...

How awesome! I love that you guys do that conference tradition. That condo is amazing, I say you come to Florida and bring the girls to DisneyWorld and visit us.. haha.. Beautiful family... You guys always know how to have a great time. xoxo

The Guirola-Uyema's said...

wow-what a cool place! why is it decorated like that? just because they're big fans, or is it like a disney-sponsored place?
i can't wait for summer too! yay for swimming!

Megs said...

That sounds like the best weekend ever! That condo would be Blake's dream. Glad you had such a great time.