Saturday, April 03, 2010

i say "jabba" you say "wockeez"

On Friday, I went to the Jabbawockeez concert at SLCC. I expected to have fun, but I didn't expect to be so entertained. The year they won America's Best Dance Crew was pretty much the only year I've somewhat kept up with the show, so I guess you could call me a FAN. ha ha They are such awesome performers! Each of them are so aware of their bodies and have such amazing rhythm - it's so neat to watch. The show they put on is funny and entertaining and shows off their amazing talent. They're starting a show in Las Vegas soon and I'd recommend it to anyone who happens to be in town - extremely entertaining!

the JABBAWOCKEEZ! (I almost got Tali's camera confiscated for taking this pic. My bad! he he)

Me and Tali


daveandsavani said...

okay so david is a HUUUUUGGGEE fan of the jabbawockeez. he wanted to go to this concert so bad but it was his mom's birthday that night and we had to (decided to =) stay with the family and celebrate. he's gonna be jealous you guys went. lol. you can brag about it in church. hehe!! it looks like it was a lot of fun.

ps. the year they won is the only season i watched too, so i guess i am a fan of them too. after that season we banned ourselves from watching MTV. lol.

Inouyes said...

Lol@ Savani last comment! OMG..If I knew you guys were going I would of totally VETOED the 801 groove :( Long story behind the tickets they were at will call and 801 groove asked me to make 200 cupcakes for the VIP section to promote my company and hello I just dropped it off and went home! So I gave my tickets to my friend OTO so bummed I didn't go now that I know the "COOL" people! Love them too :) You are going to have to tell me about it in front of Pu'e..hahaha!

gramma peggy said...

Thanks for the heads up, Mary.

Sounds like fun!