Soo we've been in our new house for about three weeks and have been LOVING it. For my own entertainment, I wanted to document our past "homes"on the road to being in a real HOUSE. It's been a long road. To save this post from total boringness (warning - I may not have succeeded) I went through my computer to find pics taken in each of our past houses.
HOUSESITTING STINT- When Wayne and I first were married we housesat a home for four months. During that time our "home" was a small bedroom in the basement of the house. It was a NIGHTMARE! I hated not being able to unpack all my things or set up and decorate anything. Plus, there were CATS living with us. Ugh! (TOTALLY a dog person) We were soo happy to get out of there and into a place of our own.

This is the ONLY picture I have of this house - apparently, I really didn't want to remember living there.

This is the ONLY picture I have of this house - apparently, I really didn't want to remember living there.
STUDIO LIVING - Next, we moved into a one room studio near BYU. It was so nice having our own space, be it very small. The whole apartment was one big room, but we divided the sleeping area and living area with a bookshelf. The place was newer and clean and I loved it. I remember when my visiting teachers would come, Wayne would just wait patiently on the bed until they were gone because there was no where else for him to go. ha ha. We stayed there for a year.
GHETTO GETAWAY - Right before Malia was born we moved into a two bedroom basement apartment. It was a nice place (and it was nice having doors to shut), but it was in the ghetto. . . like, GHETTT-O. We didn't realize it when we picked it, but it came obvious soon after. Honestly, it was kinda scary sometimes. We stayed there a year too.
CONDO HIGH-RISE (are you liking these names I'm coming up with? ha ha) - Before Kina was born we moved into a three bedroom third floor condo. I was so happy to get out of the ghetto and basement and I loved the extra room. There was fresh paint on the walls, new carpet on the floors and high rise ceilings - all of which we enjoyed. The three flights of stairs were taxing, but I tried to think of it as my exercise for the day. ha ha When the girls became toddlers and wanted to go out and play everyday, I started dreaming of a yard. We were there for two years.
HOUSE HAPPY - We moved into the house owned by my parents! They bought it when my family lived in Utah and we lived in it for five years before moving back to Hawaii in '98. I have very fond memories of our time here. Since then there has been many renters and other family members enjoying it - we're actually the only members of my family that have never lived in it - and we are very happy for the opportunity. It has lots of space, a big yard, a beautiful kitchen, a garage and an awesome neighborhood. Anyone who has ever done apartment/condo living knows how special those things are.Here are some pics of the new house. . . feel free to scroll to the end, these are mostly for my mom's sake. ha ha
I wasn't going to have any bedroom pics, but I've often talked about my giNORMous bed and thought I'd post a pic to better illustrate it. We got it as a gift . . . to which I am VERY grateful. . .it's just really, really REALLY big. Someday it's gonna look really nice in our log cabin.
Whew! It's been a long road, but we are happy to be where we are. I guess the next step would be to actually OWN our own home. . . something I'm looking forward to! Until then, we are so grateful for the opportunity to live here - THANK YOU MOM AND DAD! - and are excited for all the memories we will make as a family in our first HOUSE.
Wow I didn't realize how much moving you guys have done since you've been married.
I love your house too! And so does Spencer! Hahaha
Great pics... will you put one in of the girls room and the baby's room? Thanks Mary - so glad things are working out so well and everyone is so happy!! We love you too!!! Love, Mom
Line - yes, we have moved a lot. thus my hatred for moving. ha ha
mom - i'll email them to you:)
Ooh, mira que nice (so I realize that doesn't actually make sense, yo se, ok? Pero, I heard that on a "Living Single" episode)! Aye, mami I lahv it (how much are you loving my spanglish?)! I love it da house (aaaaand we're back to fob)! I'm jealous. Been tryna move out (so I realize how great it is to live w/Mom & Dad since it's just me, but... uh, when you're used to being the boss of your home then move into a home that's, uh, no comment, we'll skip that one... but anyway I just want my own place) but #1 SO expensive in Hawaii nei (I'm saying that with a "v" sound), especially this area. #2 SO hard to find a studio (that's all I'd be able to afford, that's all I really need) with a FULL kitchen! I'm sorry, I refuse to pay $750 a month for a studio with a mini fridge, microwave and hot plate. Not gonna do it... ooh, speaking of kitchens- tell Aunty Tali to come over and use the kitchen WHENEVER she feels like it, cause her nieces LOVE her cooking...then invite me over :D thanks!
Ummm... should I have just posted this on my blog?
PS (cause I know you're wondering)- the "aye mami I love it" from Honey :D
wow! so happy 4 u guys and this post was so not boring!!! cant wait 4 fhe in your new house!! hehe! and that WAS a lot of moving!!! i hate packing and unpacking and moving as well. every year in college i lived somewhere else. SUCH a hassle!!
Wow, the house looks awesome! I'm sure you're going to have many more wonderful memories here. =)
Happy that you guys got all moved in and that there is so much space for your growing family! love you guys!
Love it sis! Now you need a housewarming party soon LUV YA TO PIECES~!
mary love the house! the rooms are so clean! so happy for you guys! i hope one day that is going to be us! love u!
you def need a housewarming party!
i LOVE the house! its so spacious..and i LOVE LOVE LOVE your ginourmous kitchen..not to mention your awesome bed. ;) im so jealous, we've moved just as many times as you have and we have lots lots more moves to come, but we cant wait to settle down either. love you guys! we cant wait to bring the kids over to play in your big beautiful yard!
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