Monday, July 26, 2010

biggest WINNER in my book

Friday was A.J. and Lizette's wedding. He is Wayne's cousin. It was GORGEOUS!! Seriously, some people just know how to turn a cultural hall into a wedding reception and Aunty Isa is one of them - she's amazing. The food and program were good and I was having so much fun I didn't take any pics. . . that is until I spotted KOLI. He was the coolest contestant (and one of the final contestants) on last season's Biggest Loser. It was the first time I actually kept up with the show and it was totally because of Koli and his teammate/cousin Sam. They were the most inspirational and motivated pair I've ever seen. It was very fun to watch their progress. Anyways, I got a quick picture with him, then went back to enjoying the wedding. It was a nice night!

Here's a BEFORE pic of Koli for those of you who don't watch Biggest Loser. . .

And here's the AFTER. Isn't that amazing? Seriously, he is my hero!! And he was super nice and gracious. Poor thing - after we went up to him to take a picture several other people followed to do the same. My bad! hehe

CONGRATS to the happy couple!! We wish you guys the best!!


Crystal said...

lol. i being one of those followers after you! haha!! it's funny cuz i was talking to him earlier with ula and i had the thought but didnt wanna seem like a crazy fan and ask for a pic, but after i saw u do it, i was like OKAY!! haha!

...and she really turned that cultural hall around. to be honest, i was sort of expecting something close to mata and travis' wedding, but it was NOTHING like that! she is AMAZING!!! i felt like mata and travis' was like a mystical wedding in the forest and i felt like aj & lizz' was a beautiful white tent wedding (kinda like my best friends wedding) but indoors. just beautiful!!

Crystal said...
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Ipo said...

That is so cool!! I didn't watch the BL season this year...but he looks great!! And you are simply radiantly Beautiful!!

Inouyes said...

Your so cute Mary! Koli is an awesome guy and is related to your hubby! Aj & liz wedding was awesome :)

Ku'uipo Photography said...

Koli bear?!? aww I missed him. We totally watched the show.

Andrea said...

I loved him and Sam, they were so awesome and seemed great! I'm a little jealous you got to meet him!