I realize this blog has turned into a photo album of sorts and I'm starting to feel like that annoying neighbor that invites people over to look at a billion pictures taken at his last vacation/cute kids/cool car. Sorry guys. The truth is by the end of the day when I have time for blogging I'm usually not in the mood to dig deep and actually
write . . . plus, I don't keep any regular photo albums, so this is a nice place to store all my photos. My goal is to actually write something in honor of Thanksgiving - we'll see how that goes. haha In the meantime, here are some more PICS!
Since we've been in Hawaii, Malia, Kina and Tali have had many new experiences. They've been having so much fun. Here are some of the "firsts" they've experienced in Hawaii so far . . .
First time Malia caught a crab on the beach with her daddy |
First time Malia and Kina cleaned the front yard wearing chinese hats with a girl from Japan (she's one of my dad's students) |
First time Malia went surfing. . . or skimming |
First time the girls touched an octopus (the hawaiian
fisherman said it was his lunch) - it's little sucky things were still sucking. |
First (and last) time Tali wore this cute hawaiian dress that Aunty Tali bought for Malia a few years ago
(it's a 6 month size, but was cutting off her circulation while I took this pic with Papa . . . thus, the "last" thing) |
"A picture's worth a thousand words"......
Keep those pictures coming, Mary!
THIS Gramma LOVES them!!!
LOL maybe you should switch her to 12 mo clothes, Mary. Haha! And is the "hawaiian fisherman" brother Logan? lol!
awwww Mar! This last picture with Baby Tali and your dad is SOOOOO cute! ha ha ha ha ha I just can't believe how quickly she is growing! oh I can't wait to see you guys! love yoU!
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