Thursday, November 18, 2010

princess party in paradise

Do you like my use of alliteration? Haha So, I have a ton of random pics from our Hawaii stay so far, but I just had to dedicate an entire post to this.  Today we went to a princess themed birthday party thrown by the Martha Stewart of Laie, Donnette Tew. When she and her little girl, Amy dropped off the cute castle invitations, they also dropped off two princess dresses for Malia and Kina to wear since they knew they probably didn't have any here. So sweet, huh. Every single detail of the party was perfect and the girls had a blast. (Since I have three girls I thought it would be very advantageous to record all these great ideas in order to use them later! haha)

The girls in their dresses in front of our house.  They were so excited to go.

First, they had playtime. There were dishes, play food, dress-ups and many other toys. All the girls were dressed up as princesses.

The Rapunzel photo booth - a HIT!

After making crowns, their nails were painted.

Every girl had a pink princess cake to decorate. It was the top of a big cupcake with a doll poking out the middle so it looked like a princess with a poofy skirt. There was heart and star shaped sandwiches, pink punch, wand pretzels and a big Snow White cake. Yum!

Afterward, was story time - the story was "The Princess and the Pea". Donnette made several little mattresses which she stacked on a little green ball (the pea) and had a little puppet princess to put on top. The girls loved it.
Next, they played "Steal the Princess' slipper". One little girl sat on the "throne" with her eyes closed and someone would steal her glass slipper. When she opened her eyes everyone pretended she had stolen it. Then she guessed who had.

The last game was a ring toss using princess pez holders. Later, they got to pick a bracelet and a princess to take home (with some Pez candy).

After seeing this photo, Dad said Tali looked like a "princess from Thailand." lol

I'm hoping my extensive note-taking will one day help me throw an equally awesome party of my own one day! Thank you Donnette!


Crystal said...

wow! im so taking notes too!! lol. soooo creative!!!

lilika'imoana said...

oh mary i want to meet your adorable babies! i love the pic of the girls with their slippers- LOL true island princesses hehe such a fun activity for them.

Line said...

LOL I was JUST thinking what lilika was: that my favorite part about the girls in their princess dresses is their slippers! Haha! Looks like it was such a fun and creative party! I'm taking notes for... TODAY! Hehe

Andrea said...

Sounds like so much fun! Jealous you are in Hawaii and we have 6 inches of snow and its still coming down here!

Da TuPolAz said...

Man!! I totally missed that you had a third girl! Congrats! And yes *sorry* I've been so busy I didn't even open your blog invite...tadah! Here I am...well looks like you're in Hawaii...welcome home:) yes Donette Tew is the Martha Stewart of Hawaii hands down! Well you came home at such a perfect time:-) hope we see u guys around Laie...take care

Kam said...

Wow, I soooooo love it Mary. Awwww, really I do! I was smiling throughout this whole post because the idea and your creativity was perfect. You're girls smiles definitely showed how much they were having fun for real. Oh my goodness, loved it!! Imma take notes too from you if that's ok, hehe. Love it.

gramma peggy said...

WOW! What a lavish party! Martha Stewart watch out! My goodness!!

Such creativity, and imagination, and attention to detail! I can see you using some of her ideas in Provo for all the little princesses there.

What fun!

ChristopheRobyn said...

What a fun party. I am totally taking notes on this one too for birthdays down the road.

hine.T said...

I would never put that much detail into a party (if I ever threw one) would drive me crazy...but we'd love to attend one. lol.

And me too...fave part of post was seeing the girls in their dresses & slippers!