Saturday, December 04, 2010

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Judging by the placement of the ornaments, can you guess which two little elves decorated our tree?


daveandsavani said...

i love how all the ornaments are on the bottom half of the tree. haha. what? no one wanted to lift up malia to decorate the top part of the tree? too cute!

Andrea said...

cute! ours looks similar!

Inouyes said...

You didn't want to lift wayne up to decorate the top part..wait I'm speaking for myself bahahahaha! so it!

lilika'imoana said...

HAHA this pic is sooooo cute. she is such a sweetheart! and i love your tree!

waynelatu said...

Ewww ula. I dont think your comment was very funny - hahahaha. No, but for realz, u wanna see my muscles?

Le'o Hafoka said...

ha ha ha ha so cute, Mar!

Inouyes said...

@wayne...loL! <3 u guys!

Crystal said...

hahahahaha!!! lol @ ula. and wayne. lol. but seriously....that is soooo cute!! i love how they are all on the bottom. that is precious!

Angeles said...

I absolutely love the decorative style of your two little elves. forget nate berkus! hook me up! lol.

I'm confused... so is Wayne admitting he couldn't reach the top? haha. Wayne, the sky is your limit!! LOL! I miss you friends.

Kam said...

Lol, I love it! Too cute!

Unknown said...

Catching up on my blogging today and I just love your tree! Glad you had such a great trip back home...can't wait for my turn to visit Laie in another couple of days. =)