Thursday, August 18, 2011

baby madison

Madison Kehaulani Alisa
Born August 16, 2011
7 lbs. 14 oz./20 in.
Proud parents - David, my little brother, and Shan Alisa
Proud cousins - Malia and Kina (pictured above. Tali stayed home with a runny nose)
Fair skin, black hair, round angelic face. 
Looks a lot like older brother, Maddox
Isn't she cute?!

Welcome Madison!
We LOVE you!!


Crystal said... happy for shantel and david! she is a beauty!! :)

Crystal said...

p.s. i don't even know how to make the pics unclikable. its just like that i guess?? weird.

gramma peggy said...

I LOVE this picture!
