Wednesday, September 28, 2011

you should see the other guy

Unfortunately, the "other guy" in this case was a stinkin' mosquito.  Poor Kina.  It's been three days of Benadryl, cold packs and elevation. . . and the swelling is finally going down.  
One reason I'm happy that winter is right around the corner? NO bugs!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

pic of the week

This pic was on the cover AND the inside of today's paper.
It was taken AFTER Michael ran into the end zone on the muffed punt play and BEFORE he got buried under the huge dog pile of his teammates.
Love it!
Gooooo Michael!

it was a good day to be a cougar

It was just a good day all around.  First, we got to have lunch at Tucano's with Gramma Peggy and my family and THEN, we got to watch BYU's awesome game against UCF (we won 24-17).  It was such a fun day - the fans were so happy and fired up.  I think after a game like last weeks, we needed something like this to raise our spirits. And that's exactly what it did!  

Michael didn't play too much in the first half because the team trainers were worried about a small concussion he had in the first play of the game, but after he passed his tests during half time he was back in during the second half.  He didn't get much playing time in his position as running back, but he did a wonderful job on special teams.  The highlight of the game for me was Michael's run into the endzone on a fumbled punt - even though they didn't count the touchdown (because of some rule about a "muffed punt"?), it got me and the rest of the stadium totally fired up and excited.  I was jumping up and down so much, I broke my slippers!  It was awesome.  

It's so fun having Mom and Gramma Peggy in town - both came to Utah to watch Michael play!

It was a wonderful day to be a cougar! Gooo BYU!

* Something I want to remember - During the game, after Michael had made a tackle, I heard a random stranger behind me talking to his neighbor about #42.  He was saying, "That number forty-two, Michael Alisa, he's seriously the nicest guy. Seriously. He's like, the nicest guy you'll ever meet." Haha! I didn't say anything, but just giggled in my seat. I agree with you buddy!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

things that make me smile

On our way to the airport a few weeks ago, we were running a little late (as always) and Wayne was speeding.  When we saw the flashing lights behind us, we both froze in horror.  Wayne pulled over and we waited while the cop walked to our car.  I noticed he was kinda brown but wasn't sure of his ethnicity.
"Do you know how fast you were going?"
"Umm. . . no."
"68 in a 45"
(Wayne gives his license to the cop. Cop reads it)
"Latu, huh?"
(Cop looks at me. Looks back at Wayne)
"Well. . . since we all Polynesian here. . . have a nice day."
(Cop hands back the license, walks back to his car and drives away.)


A card made by one of Wayne's piano students


We went to Waikiki one of the days we were in Hawaii and we stopped by Ala Moana - it's a big shopping mall full of very high end designer stores.  It's a mall where the majority of the shoppers are Japanese tourists because everything is so expensive.  Anyway, we were driving around the parking lot trying to find a place and had to stop because a car had broken down a couple cars in front of us.  It was an old, old station wagon - rusty, peeling paint and . . . and really old looking.  The driver had jumped out and was pushing and steering it at the same time, trying to get out of the middle of the intersection.  Exactly two seconds after I saw him, two people ran to help him.  They came from extremely nice cars - one a shiny black Lexus looking car and the other a white Escalade with rims.  The pretty woman from the Escalade was wearing skinny jeans, a black tank top, sun glasses and stilettos.  The man from the smaller car was wearing an expensive looking suit and leather shoes.  Both left their cars, ran over and just started pushing. I was so impressed and so touched.  Another reason why I LOVE Hawaii.


And of course, looking at this cute little face of my niece, Madison (David and Shan's daughter). Love her!

new duds

Aunty Savani brought over three beautiful dresses that she made for the girls yesterday.  

Don't they look CUTE?
Thank you Savani!! The girls LOVE them!

And speaking of new duds. . .

My mom got Wayne his birthday present early this year

He said it's EXACTLY what he wanted (and that's a direct quote! haha)

Thank you Mom!

Monday, September 19, 2011

the utah/byu game

 It was the first home game! And we were so excited. We had the whole evening planned out - we'd drop the girls off at Vai's house, hit the Fua's tailgate party, then watch the Cougars beat the Ute's at LaVell Edwards stadium.  Yup. That was the plan.  Unfortunately, all didn't go according to plan.

Of course, the party was the bomb.  When Wayne said we were going to a tailgate party, I assumed we'd be eating hot dogs and hamburgers out of the back of someones truck.  The first thing I saw when we arrived was the pigs, two of them, turning on the spit in the parking lot . . . and I knew we were gonna have a feast.  There was a huge white tent with sofas set up and two ginormous flat screen TV's tuned to ESPN for those outside the stadium.  Then there were the million trays and coolers of food - it was pretty incredible.  Anyway, the food was deeelicious and the music and company was wonderful.  We totally enjoyed the party and laughed and smiled the whole time.

And then the party was over.  We entered the stadium and witnessed the worst, most terrible game I've ever seen.  The Cougars were demolished by Utah (54-10) and to add more salt to the wound, my little brother Michael wasn't given the opportunity to shine in his position and the players that were in made several mistakes that led to opponent scoring.  Aargh! It was quite frustrating - we were totally bummed and we didn't smile or laugh at all . . .

Except when we saw Inoke. 

We still love BYU.
Goooo Cougars!

my brother is my hero

. . . because he PASSED THE BAR!

That's right guys. My big brother, Joseph, has officially PASSED the bar.  I'm amazed. I'm so happy. I'm so excited for him and his family.  

Honestly, I get a little emotional thinking about it all.  Joseph has gone through so much to get to where he is right now.  Looking at where he was five, ten years ago it's truly inspiring to see what he's done today.  Though he was always very smart, Joseph took his time during his college years - accepting different jobs in different states - thus, prolonging his undergraduate degree. When he married my sister-in-law Gioey, though, I feel like he kinda buckled down and his bright intelligence and great work ethic was able to shine.  After he graduated from UVU and aced the LSAT (and was accepted to several prestigious law schools) he choose to attend BYU.  After finishing in April, he locked himself away in the library to study for the upcoming bar.  And after much hard work, sweat, hours away from his family, and sacrifice all around - he has PASSED!  Woohoo!  He's such an example to me that anything is possible if you want it and are willing to work for it. I am so proud of him.

Seriously, Joseph, you're my hero! 

Congratulations! We love you!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

hawaii highlights

We're home from Hawaii!  We had a wonderful week hanging out with my parents.  The girls had so much fun - when I told them we were going home, Malia said she's really going to "miss Hawaii".  They love it there.  Here are some of the highlights from our trip - 

The girls got to attend a day of Kamehameha preschool at the Queen Liliokalani Children's Center in Punaluu. They opened with hawaiian songs and language, then went to different stations of arts and crafts and other games, then closed with lunch.  They loved it!

I went to a GNO at Hazel's house with Keaka, Sarah and Miki (who was visiting from the Big Island).  We talked, laughed, ate (a lot) and played Dance Central (I have video I'm saving if I ever need to black mail anyone).  I love these girls!
Papa taught Tali how to sweep! Yes!

And lastly, the three little banana keikis in the backyard were officially named after Malia, Kina and Tali.

Most of all, the biggest highlight of the trip was just hanging out with my mom and dad.  Since my dad is now  RETIRED (woohoo!) we got to spend a lot of quality time with him.  The girls loved it.  It was a wonderful short trip.  As a huge bonus, I got to fly home on the same flight as my mom (who came to Utah to attend a few of Michael's games).  I totally lucked out and got bulkhead seats right next to her.  Each girl had their own seat and each girl slept the whole way home.  Ah! It was lovely.

Aloha oe, Hawaii!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

things we did at the beach with papa

learned how to boogie board
dug holes

found crabs
played chasing masters
(I remember doing this with my dad when I was a little girl. Only difference is, he let Malia and Kina actually catch him)
built a "fort"

played basketball

got a sand shower
(from Papa, of course)

and last, but not least. . .

Papa made Baby Tali in the sand

We had sooo much fun with Dad at the beach today. The girls were busy and happy the whole time.  When I was little, I used to love going to the beach with my dad.  You don't need shovels or buckets to have fun when my dad's around - he makes random things into the funnest games.  I'm so grateful we can make these memories with the girls and their Papa.  I love you, Dad!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

we teach 'em young

Today at the Vera Bradley store @ Ala Moana

lovin' the beach

We're in Hawaii!  Last Friday there was like, 50 open seats so we jumped on and we're having a blast. I love being in Hawaii.  I'm so grateful for my parents for always welcoming us in their home.  I know going from being alone to having three kids in the house is a big jump - but they are always so awesome. 

One of the biggest milestones on this trip is the girls LOVING the beach.  Last time (or the time before) we came to Hawaii, they had a little scary experience with the ocean - they were almost pounded.  Since then, they were slightly cautious about the water.  They'd play for days in the sand, but be timid to play in the waves.  Well, I'm happy to say, they are timid no more!  We went to Temple beach early in the morning (because the waves are small there and because the girls were up at 5 AM) and the girls had a blast.  My mom and I watched the girls for about two hours just running in and out of the water giggling and squealing the whole time.  It was awesome. 

We love Hawaii and we LOVE the beach!

Thursday, September 08, 2011

what we did this morning

my my my. how things have changed

I remember once when I was still living in my parents house, my mom and I were talking about a certain girl who lived down the street (from the Smith family for those of you that are familiar with Moana Street).  She was a young mother of maybe two or three children.  I remember my mom pointing out that she wore the same dress to church every Sunday.  She said something like, "You know, when you're a mom you just make do with what you have.  You don't have a lot of clothes or shoes or anything, but it's okay.  You just make do."  In that moment, I remember thinking, "How much does a dress cost? How could someone not afford just one more dress?  Poor girl. I'll never be like that." (Yes, I know. I was kinda a brat.) My goodness, how my attitude has changed.

I actually thought of this conversation on Sunday when I was getting dressed.  I wore a dress I've owned for about five years - it's actually a maternity dress that I bought when I was pregnant with Malia, but I like it because it goes all the way down to my knees (having a longer torso like me, you have to think about those things).  It was my one and only (meaning the one and only thing that fit me) for many of those five years and it's still going strong.  I've gotten a lot of use out of this dress, as I have with most of the clothes in my closet (many bought at second hand stores if not on sale), but it makes me feel good and like it was money well spent.

Thinking back to that carefree single girl who I used to be makes me laugh how much has changed.  Because I lived with my parents and didn't pay rent, I could use my whole paycheck for ME.  On payday weekend, I'd head down to Waikiki with some friends and we'd shop in stores I don't even walk into these days - Banana Republic, Guess etc.  I could blow a couple hundred dollars on clothes EASY! haha And now? . . . Well, for example - just the other day, I went to the mall with the girls and noticed a sale at the Shade store (Shade is a brand from Utah that sells modest clothes for women).  I was so excited, I purchased three shirts for myself.  The total came out to around fifteen dollars.  When I got home, Wayne asked what I'd bought and I showed him.  He smiled  big and said, "Good for you, hon.  You deserve to splurge every now and then."  I said thanks, but in my head I was like, Splurge?? SPLURGE?? Uh, I think if you knew me ten years ago, you'd now the real definition for the word "SPLURGE". Haha. I remember another instance when I was getting ready one morning.  I took a long shower (probably about twenty minutes - I shaved my legs) and then took some time to brush my teeth, put lotion on, pluck my eyebrows and clip my nails. I came out smelling all good and feeling very happy.  Wayne, again smiled, and said totally sincerely, "I'm glad you got to pamper yourself today." Again, in my head I was like, Pamper? PAMPER? Since when did getting CLEAN become pampering?? Hahaha.  My my my, how things have changed!

So back to that little mother on Moana Street.  I love her and I feel I relate a little more to her - when there is money, my wardrobe (or anything else as frivolous) is the last thing I want to spend it on.  I have different priorities now than I did as a carefree single student.  I want my children to have everything they need and I have a family and a house to look after.  Even though we are in a transitory stage right now, I feel we have been SO extremely blessed to be in this house, with a wonderful car that fits all of us, and in Provo by our families.  We have everything we need (and more!). We receive so many blessings DAILY from our family, friends and neighbors - it truly humbles me.  I'm grateful for so many examples I have of good priorities, thrifty living, sacrifice and service.  Honestly, I can improve in all of those areas - and I want to! I really do.  Truthfully, the day that Wayne is in a real, money-making career that he loves I ain't gonna lie, I'm gonna be ecstatic! . . . but until then I'll enjoy my dress with the occasional "splurge" and "pamper". Haha!

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

happy labor day

In honor of Labor Day, I hiked the Y!  The Y mountain trail is a little over a mile and is the most hiked trail in Utah.  It leads to a huge white "Y" which was made over a hundred years ago by BYU students as the insignia for BYU.  In my mind, it has become almost a initiation of sorts - it's definitely not easy, so even though many people do it everyday, I still feel like it's a big accomplishment.  I was practically dying on the way up, but I had a goal to walk the whole way without resting (it's a very steep climb). . . and I did it! 

One thing I love about the hike, is the people you pass and meet.  On the way up, we passed my aunty, Hina Hunkin, who was on her way down.  She told us she hikes it EVERYDAY at 5 AM. She's in her late seventies(?) and is in the best shape of her life.  On the way down, I was feeling pretty proud of myself for what I'd accomplished . . . until we passed a young man on his way up who was blind - blind cane and all! I did a little check on myself right there.  Aren't they inspiring?  

After our early morning hike, we celebrated the holiday with a potluck picnic with our Latu and Alisa families at the park.  Everyone brought something to share (thank you!) and we all had SO much fun!  I love my family!

Hope everyone had an awesome Labor Day!

Monday, September 05, 2011

michael's article

BYU'S Alisa provides spark on offense and special teams

Jared Lloyd, Daily Herald

BYU sophomore running back Michael Alisa had the type of night that doesn't show up very much in the stat book.
He had three receptions for 28 yards, no carries, and one tackle, which is not exactly a performance that's going to show up on ESPN's SportsCenter program.
But the impact Alisa had might well have given the Cougars the edge they needed in their hard-fought 14-13 win at Ole Miss on Saturday.
Alisa, playing in his first game back at running back after competing as a linebacker as a freshman, made a pair of big plays that set the stage for other success.
The biggest came in the fourth quarter on special teams after BYU had cut the Ole Miss lead to 13-7, when the sophomore broke through the Rebel return blockers and tripped up speedy Rebel sophomore returner Joe Scott.
"I was fired up," Alisa said. "This year a big part of our program is our special teams. That's a huge emphasis we're working on. On Day No. 1 of fall camp, the coaches told us they wanted the best athletes on special teams. They wanted players with heart and willpower on special teams because that's how you win games."
That tackle forced the home team to start from the shadow of their own goal line at the 12-yard line and, after a pair of first downs and a pair of penalties, Ole Miss quarterback Zac Stoudt had to retreat near his own goal line before being sacked, fumbling the football and having Cougar linebacker Kyle Van Noy scoop it up for the game-winning score.
"Statistics show that if you pin an opponent inside the 24-yard line on a kickoff, their chances of making a touchdown decrease big time," Alisa explained. "That's been our big goal."
The sophomore also stepped up with a big play on offense.
After a long drive dramatically ended in an interception returned 96 yards for a touchdown by Rebel safety Charles Sawyer, BYU needed to get back some momentum.
On the second play of the ensuing drive, Cougar quarterback Jake Heaps found Alisa alone in the flat and he raced up the sidelines for a gain of 26 yards.
"It was a blast (to make that big play)," said Alisa. "I just want to help out as much as I can on offense."
Although that series didn't lead to points for BYU, it reignited the offensive spark that could've been doused by the turnover. The Cougar offense wasn't really stopped the rest of the way.
"I loved being out there," the sophomore said. "I love the team chemistry. Everyone wanted to be there and was dialed in. It took us some time to get rolling but when we did, everyone was working together to accomplish the win. It may have been a little late, but it was such a good feeling when we all tapped in together."

Sunday, September 04, 2011

playing on imovie

My sister-in-law, Kina's laptop was at our house for a few days so I started playing around on imovie.  My goodness, I can't believe how many different types of things you can make with this program.  For this video, I just used some random clips I had on my computer so it's kinda random, but I think it's an E for effort for my very first video.  I'm kinda slow when it comes to computer things so any tips/suggestions/pointers would be welcome and appreciated! :)

birthday girls

 One of the unique things about my daughters is they are all born in August! (Do you like how I worded that?)  Though their common birth month was completely unplanned, it has become quite a fun thing to look forward to throughout the year.  When I'm explaining to people about their birthdays (which I feel I do a lot since people often ask about how close they are in age) I always joke that we did it that way so we can have ONE big party, ONE big cake and ONE big present for all three to share.  I'm only partly joking. I really do like to do something special on each of their actual birthdays (even if it's just singing and having birthday cake after dinner) but having one big party to really celebrate all three is easy, cost effective and fun. And that's why I love it!

This year, we planned a little get-together at the park.  Wayne wanted to do the full Tongan menu with lupulu, kalua pig and faikakai. . . but in the end, we settled on a simple teri burger/hot dog spread (my idea! haha)  I'm not too good at doing themed parties (though I love to attend them), so we just planned generic, colorful, minimal decorations (with banners by Aunty Tali - thank you Tali!) and went from there.  A friend in our ward owns and offered a bouncy castle, so we picked it up that morning and it was a huge hit.  We had a pinata, a birthday cake and music plus, we purposefully picked a park with a playground so the kids had fun playing on that too.  We asked Kika to take charge of face painting and she went above and beyond - it was definitely the highlight of the party (Thank you Kika!). 

All in all, I tried not to stress about this party too much.  And I think because we went so simple and small, it came together really easy and well.  We had SO much fun.  Seriously, the whole day afterward, Wayne and I just kept saying to ourselves, ". . . Man! That was so fun!"  It was a great day to enjoy with our family and friends and just celebrate our special little girls.

This is my all time favorite pic of the day. Totally captured her.

Happy Birthday Tali!
Happy Birthday Kina!
Happy Birthday Malia!

(Thank you Aunty Sili for the BEAUTIFUL pictures)