Wednesday, September 28, 2011

you should see the other guy

Unfortunately, the "other guy" in this case was a stinkin' mosquito.  Poor Kina.  It's been three days of Benadryl, cold packs and elevation. . . and the swelling is finally going down.  
One reason I'm happy that winter is right around the corner? NO bugs!


gramma peggy said...

Oh, Kina! I am SO sorry! What a bummer! Bad,bad bugs!!!

lilika'imoana said...

awww! poor baby! i HATE mosquitos! --at least she still looks super cuteness. lol. love that she still has a (forced) smile on her face!

Maddy Whitney said...

ohhhh, sweet baby Kina! so sorry!

Tina said...

oh gosh, Tau had the exact same thing happen to him this summer. poor kids!

The Maire Family said...

That's from a mosquito bite!!!! Poor thing. I'm with you on the winter thing. We've got summer just around the corner and that's one thing I'm NOT looking forward to... bugs!

Crystal said...

i love that you are a true blogger again!! lol. ive loved catching up with everything and seeing all ur fun adventures with ur girls. especially the utah/byu post. i commented on that one. hilarious!

Line said...

poor girl. she seemed like she was handling it like a champ, though!

Jenn Miyamoto said...

Oh my gosh Mary! I love her dress up costume! And I can't believe those mosquitos...seems like they're getting more vicious.