Saturday, November 12, 2011

happy birthday wayne!

Yesterday, Wayne turned 28! (He honestly forgets how old he is all the time and still tells people he's 24.)  Wayne had the day off so we celebrated the day as a family (the highlights were Kalo taking us to lunch at Tucanos, taking loooong afternoon naps, watching the twins dance in a Living Legends performance and having our families over for cake and ice cream at night).  I'm excited for all this new year will bring!  I'm hoping it will be a big one for Wayne and our family. 

Wayne and Tali with the birthday decorations . . . and my messy kitchen

Happy Birthday Wayne!


Crystal said...

cute decorations mary!!

The Maire Family said...

Mary, that is not a messy kitchen! You need to have a look at my kitchen and then you will realise this! haha