Tuesday, November 18, 2008

happy birthday wayne!

One week ago today was Wayne's Birthday. Yup, the big 2 - 5! We had a few mini celebrations to commemorate the special occasion.

On Saturday, Wayne's family took us out to eat at Waynes favorite restaurant - The Happy Sumo. I'm not a big seafood fan, but even I can appreciate their sushi - very yummy. The best, though, is their dessert (try the tempura banana split). DEEEELICIOUS!!

Melba, Nia, Le'o, Kika, Kina

Kalo, me (lookin' REAL good with the fake smile) and Wayne

On Monday we had a fun night with our Family Home Evening group. It was at the Afutiti's beautiful home (for reals, BEAUTIFUL, esPECIally the TV), the Kalamafoni's taught the lesson ("if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear" - horaay for food storage!), the Filimoeatu's brought the activity (K, I have to know - who had the Snickers?) and the Hola's provided the treat (it's KLONDIKE, Tema. lol).

The highlight of the evening, however, was without-a-doubt the Rock Band/Guitar Hero. I had never played the whole band game before and it was the BOMB!

We played a game - girls against boys - and even though the boys' vocalist tried to hide everyone's bad playing by singing really REALLY loud. . . the truth was revealed with the final scores and our practice and concentration paid off - we WON!!

cool girls - Tema, Crystal, Candice, me

rockin' boys - Tevita, Wayne, David, Rocky

We finished the evening with a birthday cake for Wayne.

On Tuesday, I made Wayne breakfast (not in bed, because he woke up while I was cooking) and at night we went out to eat as a family. It was nice.

Wayne got 2 presents. The first was an album with all his missionary pictures in it. I made the front and back covers out of foam (the back is a Dominican Republic flag) and sorted his pictures that have been everywhere forever since his mission and put them inside. It's something he's been "meaning to do" for a long time.

He said he liked it.

The second was a FISH! I think he actually got it for Malia, but we can count it too. He took Malia to the pet store and she picked this one out. We've yet to pick out a name. Any ideas?

Happy Birthday Wayne! Thank you for being such a wonderful husband and daddy to Malia and Kina. Thank you for making us laugh everyday and for working so hard. I love you!


Jenn Miyamoto said...

Don't eat the fish Malia! Happy Birthday Wayne!

Leise said...

Happy Birthday Wayne! Sorry, ah, not everyone can get a million days worth of birthday celebrations! Pee, the album Mary I looove it! Name the fish Sushi, cuz guaranz that's what Malia was thinking about in that picture :D

alexis said...

Happy birthday wayne! I got Sei a betta fish for his birthday when he turned 25 too. It survived for two years, she was a great pet!

Brittany said...

25!!!???? Someone's OLD now! hehe jk, i'm 31, so Big Ups to the Oldies! Happy B-day- That is the coolest cake ever! And those photo albums... mary, you rock!

jill langston kaufusi said...

Happy birthday Wayne! Love the rock star pics..AND the delicious fish.

Ku'uipo Photography said...

ha!ha! what a week long celebration...how fun!I love how you made the photo album so creative,be careful because with those skills you just might be called to the enrichment com. or YW...lol I LOVE THE FHE PIX, consider them STOLEN!:)

Ipo said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Wayne! Mary, you are an incredible woman!

Line said...

Awww, we missed having FHE with you guys, especially since it was Wayne's bday! (Dumb delta) And... I didn't know the Happy Sumo trip was for Wayne's birthday! Now I feel bad MORE bad for not coming! Hahaha, looks like you guys had fun and didn't miss us at all though. :) Happy belated bday Wayne!

hine.T said...

Happy Birthday Wayne! And I esp love the fake smile pic! LOL! Got one of those when I was dating Shen.

Inouyes said...

Happy Birthday Wayne! Great taste in food SUSHI you can never go wrong....YUM! Mary you Martha Stewart you!~

harmony said...

hebby pefday, wayne! looks like y'all had a lotta fun. tane had a a fish that looked almost like that one...not as pretty tho - he called it "tuna" so you guys can steal the name if u like. hehehe. love u guys!

Julie said...

WOW! Your FHEs kick ours in the hinney! I know it's late but Happy Birthday Wayne! Hope it was a good one. We'll be watching you on SATURDAY!!!

Unknown said...

wayne!!! mary!!! it's esther! i just got wayne's message on my blog! it's so good to hear from you guys! and feliz cumpleanos, homie!!! :-)

send us your email so we can invite you to our blog when it goes private!!!

Joe & Miki Ha'o said...

Happy Birthday Wayne!! Thank u Mary for the phone call the other day! You made my day! Love you guys!