Friday, November 21, 2008

my undercover blogger

Yup. It's true, folks - my husband blogs. And not only does he blog - he's enjoys it.

His conversion story is similar to others - I joined the blogging world early this year by myself and was instantly hooked. He would smirk at my "addiction" (as he called it) and joke with his friends about our blog. Every now and then I would make him look at a post I put up or a blog of our friends that had something interesting. It would always take a lot of coaxing to even get him to LOOK at the page. Little by little, however, I could see his attitude towards blogging changing. Soon I would find him checking our blog by himself, with no encouragement from me. Later, I would find him reading other blogs and even checking the comments to read those. At the present time, I would call him hooked. He has yet to actually complete a post - he's all about checking others' - but someday, maybe. . . . He has always blogged in secrecy, but recently came out of the blogger closet to comment on something he feels passionate about (Thanks Jill!). Yes, I expect big things from him. With his humor and writing ability, i know he has the potential to be a great blogger someday. With a little encouragement and ACCEPTANCE by all of us, I know he can do it. lol.

So in honor of my blogging husband I am writing this post just for you, hon. I'm so proud of you Wayne for coming out. Way to go! I'm happy we can finally do this together as a couple. . . as a FAMILY. I love you, my blogband (that's husband + blogger. lol). Ladies, let's show some love to all the blogbands out there - you guys ROCK!!


Ipo said...

Love it!! I'm glad to see that he has left the the "bloggers hiding in the closet" gang!! Welcome Wayne!! The more the merrier!! Just remember the first law of blogging: If you enjoy what you read, you MUST leave a comment. Ha,ha,ha....but no, seriously, it is the first law of blogging. seriously. (oh, so I take that back about calling you a "closet blogger" on my blog and in the Kaufusi's comments)

Inouyes said...

Yes, Mary I would catch my husband trying to read our blog or reading comments on other pages...I know he is a blogband(Love the term), he just doesn't know it yet! Wayne(I know your reading this) Welcome to the dark side its addicting! I know I am a bloker (blog + you know you like that one Mary)

jill langston kaufusi said...

Thanks a lot Wayne for breaking the man code!!!! I guess we (husbands)all got called out of our little caves- Welp on that note I wish you the best of luck tomorrow -sike- You know I support you in all you do but on this one ur on your own buddy!!! Much love to you and ur family and have a good day tomorrow! GOOOOO Utes.

Brittany said...

i am TOTALLY LAUGHING at this right now!! i'm sooooooo excited that you caught him on camera... blogging! hehehe... he's always telling me how HE doesn't blog, but he knows YOU like it... yeah right!

Ipo said...

Oh....welcome to Vili as well...apparently!!lol! See Wayne, you are breaking down closet doors one blogband at a time! You Super Hero, you! Now I have to go and tease, I mean welcome Vili on their blog page...

Taylor Tribe said...

Just came across your blog through Brittany's (married my crazy Fijian cousin!)...& see that you are good friends with Lene. Does she have a blog? I went to school with her...just trying to reconnect.
Your blog is very inspiring I must say. You have an awesome awesome family! All the best with today's game.
p.s. Congrats to your hubby for coming out of the closet.

mary said...

LOL!! you guys are cracking me up!! for REALS!! all i gotta say is show the love. show the love. LOL. Vili, thank you for your comment. i told wayne, seeee? blogging IS cool. VILI even does it. just like ipo says, one blogband at a time!

Line said...

LOL, I love that... "Blogband" hahaha... So ummmm... I don't think we're gonna go to church tomorrow, what about you guys? Maybe you guys can come over and eat ice cream and mope with us. Misery enjoys company.

JK! The church is still true! haha

Julie said...

Three cheers for Blogbands!! Ha ha. There's nothing to be ashamed about. Ah make me laugh. I love ya!

Leise said...

Wayne, Duran's a full on blogband! You are not alone, my are not alone! (why do I feel like I should solemnly sing "we shall overcome" right now?)