Friday, January 30, 2009

quite the busy bee . . .

Malia has had a busy month of January. Here are some of the highlights. . .

Malia had her very first dentist appointment this month. They took xrays of her mouth and looked at her teeth with that little mirror on a stick thingy. Malia screamed the whole time BUT she has good teeth and no cavities so I look at it as a success:). . . PLUS they gave her this cool balloon flower on the way out. Hopefully, she'll remember that and not the screaming part when it's time to go back.

Malia's new favorite thing to do is rummage through her drawers, pick out clothes and put them all on at the same time. It's so ironic to me because she usually puts on a huge fuss to just put on ONE outfit and here she is putting on several and loving it. Go figure. While it makes for a lot of extra folding on my part, it's still funny to see her walk around the house in her fashion creations.

I feel so lucky to have friends that have kids Malias age!! Malia has had fun at several playdates this month. Favorite hangouts? The Orem Library storytime and the University Malls new playground.

On Jan. 20, Malia watched history in the making when Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States. Obama fan or not - it was an amazing moment to see our first black president speak. . . very inspiring.

Malia had her very first bubble bath this month. She tried to eat the bubbles and couldn't understand why they didn't come off her hands when she wiggled them around. Final decision? Bubble baths are good.

Malia had fun visiting Aunty Tali at her studio at BYU. We also stopped by the MOA and saw their way cool new exhibit. Every piece is made out of common household objects - they are amazing. Malia liked the big balloon blob the best

She was quite the busy bee!!.

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