Monday, February 16, 2009

happy valentines day!

I've never been a huge fan or hater of Valentines Day. It's usually a nice, simple, mostly uneventful and enjoyable day for me. Sometimes we do something special and sometimes we don't - small kine. This year, however was pretty memorable.

Wayne gave me the BEST present ever. He cleaned the house!! Honestly, it made my day! I slept in and woke up to a dozen roses and a clean house - aaah! why can't every day be Valentines Day?

If I had a before picture to show just how messy the kitchen was the night before this picture would be more impressive ... take my word for it, it was bad!:) Thank you Wayne!

After hanging out for a bit at the house we headed up to Alpine for a Valentines Day Brunch at Isaac and Stephanie Taylor's BEAUTIFUL mansion. . I mean, house. Isaac is another running back on the BYU football team and he and Wayne were usually roommates on away games. We love the Taylors! . . and we love their house! My goodness, I wish we took a picture! It's gorgeous!

Wayne, Kina and Isaac

The brunch was sooo nice. Stephanie went all out with the decorations. My favorite? the cute heart shaped plates. I swear it made the food yummier. Every detail had been thought of and Stephanie was a wonderful hostess.

On the menu was spinach/bacon quiche, salad, vanilla yogurt parfaits with berries, raspberry muffins, red punch and hot chocolate. YUMM!!! It was Wayne's first time EVER eating quiche - he talked about it the whole way home (ie "Mary why don't you ever make quiche?" "Can we have quiche for dinner tommorrow?" and "Man, that Quiche was so good!") yeah, I think he kinda liked it. lol. While the food was good, the company was even better - it was so fun getting to know the Taylors' friends! They were all so funny and nice. We had a great time!

Why are we the only couple wearing BLACK on Valentine's Day? Good think Kina happened to be wearing pink:)
Thank you Taylors! We loved it!

After the brunch, we headed to a movie with PREVIOUSLY bought tickets. I know, I know, I was like, "Okay, who are you and what did you do with my husband?" lol. Wayne had heard me talking about this movie and had bought tickets for it so we could watch it together. I was very impressed.

Final verdict on the movie? Uh, not that into it. Which is sad because I LOVED the cast - all great actors, but the movie was not the bomb. It was a good idea for a film, but I think they went about it in the wrong way. We actually walked out of it a little early, but EVEN STILL it was nice to do an activity together. Movies these days are very few and far between so while we didn't enjoy the movie that much, we enjoyed our time together:)

After a few errands and Valentines day deliveries, we headed to Wayne's dads house for a Valentines Dinner. Every year Waynes sister, Kalo, throws a big dinner/party for all the widows and widowers in their stake. She invites her mega talented musical friends and they provide the entertainment for the evening AND act as dates for the older guests (This lady below in the red commented, "My goodnes! I can't even REMEMBER the last date I went on!"). It was seriously one of the coolest things I've ever seen. . . and it's all "just for fun" as Kalo says. Man, she has GOTTA be getting some major blessings in heaven - we all LOVED it.

Kalo and her friend, Megan did all the decorations and food. Wasn't it gorgeous?

Yes, those are name cards on the plates - they thought of everything. It was SOO pretty!

The hired help was very impressive as well:). They kept the glasses and plates full and everyone smiling.

Danny, Kalo, friend, Sili, friend, friend, Eddie, Melba, Kina, Megan, Kika and friends:)

Thank you, Kalo, for letting us be a part of such a lovely night. It was beautiful to see so many smiles on so many peoples faces.

It was a beautiful day of love to be with people I love.
Happy Valentines Day!


Line said...

Wow, looks like you guys had an amazing Valentines! I love that Kalo puts on a party for widows; she's awesome! And sorry your movie turned out to be not-so-great. I haven't heard very good things about that movie.

Star Gazer said...

I'm so glad you invited me to read your blog! It's wonderful and I love hearing about your family. Thanks for being such great neighbors, we're so spoiled! We loved coming over. Seriously, let us know if you need anything, anytime.

jill langston kaufusi said...

I love a clean house as a present! If all Vili did for gifts was to clean up and let me sleep more, I would be the happiest wife in the world.
And I love the Valentine's dinner for the widows. that's the cutest thing.
Oh, and I'm ready for a GNO whenever. I NEED to get out of this house!

Inouyes said...

OMG...Spoiled girl man Wayne got this one in the bag and what a fun eventful day. Kalo is so talented and giving ;)!

A.Niu said...

How pretty is that. What a nice valentines.

hine.T said...

Awesome Valentine's day! I especially loved the idea of doing something extravagantly special for the widow(er)s! That was gorgeous and beautifully done!