Tuesday, March 24, 2009

aunty tali must have been tired

K, I totally realize I have like, two mills videos on this thing now. I never thought I'd be a big video person, but Malia is at that age where everything she does is funny. I think I may be turning into one of those parents who think everything their child does is cute . . . I apologize, I'm sorry. I'll try to keep the gooeyness to a minimum:)

So, the other night Tali came to my house to help me put the girls to bed because Wayne had to stay late at school. We work pretty well together - I feed Kina and put her down and Tali reads to Malia and then puts her down. This night Kina fell asleep fast. I came back into the living room to make sure Malia was getting sleepy and ready to go to bed. Uh, yeah. I guess Tali must have had a really long day or something. . .

Uh, nice Tal. Real nice. It's good to know my child is being so well taken care of. he he.


Ipo said...

Well, Malia doesn't look like she is missing a thing anyway. Ha! So cute how she is just reading to herself. Or maybe she's reading to Tali and putting her to bed. Maybe that was the plan from the beginning.

Where can I find help like that?

Line said...

Lol... Reminds me of how Spencer often puts his dad or uncles to sleep instead of the other way around... Ok, ok, I'm guilty of falling asleep before my son sometimes too! :)

Ashleigh said...

Hey Mary,
Thanks for inviting us to your blog :) Lol @ aunty falling asleep. My mom is famous for doing that.

Katina Angola said...

It looks like they were switching roles for the night. How cute!

Tane and Angela said...

tsk tsk tsk tali..busted! haha..that's too funny. obviously malia didn't see anything wrong with her taking a cat nap..actually-that reminds me of when my mom used read to me and would fall asleep after reading the first page. lol

RazakFamily said...

That's how Ifraz puts the kids to bed :)
She is getting so big and so funny - I enjoy the pictures and videos...keep 'em comin'!!

Leise said...

LOL! Io, put Tali on blaaaaasssst! LOL! I get your back, Tal! Oh, and...Maaaaarrrrry! I'm a blogger dummy- I don't know how to do the flickr thing: copy the html...where? Paste...where? I copied the html thing from properties? Then pasted it right in where you write your posts?...but then when I published it for like 2 seconds, there were no pictures! Just links! I need help, of the professional kind...so does Aunty Tali :D

Lavi said...

bahahahahaha that is too funny!!!! even with the high pitched yell Tali didn't flinch!!! hahaha long day or baddddd date!!! hahaha too cute!

daveandsavani said...

that is so cute!! Malia just read Tali to sleep. love it!

hine.T said...

Good job Malia...putting Aunty Tali to sleep! haha!

Sibbett_Ohana said...

Too funny!! Love your videos and your daughter is so smart, already reading well..you know what i mean..Poor aunty tali. So cute!!

Vika said...

This is cute! so where can I get a babysitter like this? :)