Saturday, March 28, 2009

byu luau - past and present

Ever since I moved to Utah three years ago I have been somehow involved in the annual BYU Luau. I've loved it! I've always loved Polynesian dancing and the Luau was a chance to dance, have fun with my family/friends and exercise all at the same time. Priceless! lol.

This last week was this years Luau and since I'm blogging about it, I thought I'd spice it up and take a little trip down memory lane and blog about past luaus we've been a part of - just for posterity's sake. It's pretty exciting huh. he he. Sooo. . .here we go!

BYU Luau 2007
  • danced Maori, Tonga and Samoa sections (two mills, I know)
  • Tali, Sili, Le'o and Nia also danced also
  • held at the BYU Ballroom
  • 5 months pregnant with Malia
  • HIGHLIGHT - getting to know the talented Lionel Perrett and his family - love them!
In looking through old stuff I found this short clip Melba taped of our Maori practice. Sili's in gray, Nia's in white, Tali is in maroon, Nancy's in black and I'm in green. I love the Maori section because the musicians are the dancers! Don't mess with the toru, FA! lol!!!

Nia, me and Sili - I think they did a
good job on the Samoa costumes.

me, Nia, Leo and Lavi after Tonga. . . as you can see we were very liberal with the oil. lol

After the show - Kika, Leo, Sili, Nia, Mata, me and Kina -
We would have made great voyagers.
"I'm KING of the world!"

Nia, me, Sili, and Finau and Hoku Conklin -
finally heading home

Sili, Leo, Nia and me - Counting our tauolunga booty.
If I remember
correctly it was enough for each of us
to get like, $30.
Have I mentioned that I love this custom?

BYU Luau 2008
  • danced Maori, Tonga and emceed
  • Sili, Nia, Tali, Leo, Kina AND Mata danced also
  • held at Marriott Center
  • 4 months pregnant with Kina (no one knew yet:))
  • HIGHLIGHT - dancing in the Marriott Center. It was a special experience.

I loved loved loved the decorations. Aren't they gorgeous?

Nia, Sili, Mata, me and Lani - After the show

Beautiful girls - Kika, Nia, Sili and Mata
I love this pic

ALMOST everyone -
me, Tali, Leo, Nia, Sili, Kina, Wayne, Melba and Kika

BYU Luau 2009
  • Nia and Tali danced
  • I watched from the audience - loved it.
  • held at BYU Ballroom with a 360 stage
  • not pregnant! :)
  • HIGHLIGHT - being able to sit back and enjoy the whole show. And No stress:)

Taahine foilole Nia

Kia Ora! Sarah, Nia and Tali

(video of Nia, Tali and Kaini showing off their crazy short poi skills)

After the show . . .

(top to bottom) Cameron, Angela, Kalo and Kina, Tina,
Kika, Nia, Leli, Melba, Tali and Maddox, Futi, Kina, me and Vini

Every year the show is different and different is good - of course, there are always highlights and lowlights. lol I'm always impressed by the amount of work and effort put forth by so many people - most being STUDENTS. As much as I'd complain about early practices and too much time commitment before the show, I'd totally miss the comradeship and experience after it was all over. It's been a fun tradition for our family!


Ipo said...

You guys are so beautiful and so talented!! Love it!! I'll have to come and watch the next one!!

nini said...

HAHA I loved the walk down BYU Luau memory lane. Too bad we didn't get dinner money this year.....

Line said...

Awww, this post made me missed my involvement in Luau. You're such a trooper for going to those early morning practices, even while pregnant! I had a hard time going NOT pregnant.

Spencer D said...

Hey Latus! It's fun to read about you guys and see what adventures you're having. Hey, I tried to call Wayne a little while, just wanting to talk, but I couldn't get through because it said the phone was disconnected or something? When you guys get a new phone can you have him call me? Thanks! Los quiero un paqueton :) Spencer

Corinne said...

you are amazing Mary...I wish I could somehow pull off the serious/sexy face that you do so well. The decor and costumes look amazing!

Leise said...

Ah, I've been waiting for this post! Did they only do maori? I agree- I liked the puletasis your first year. And sorry, ah kaia with da toru, wha! Ho just tell Shannon move over already! Lol! Kapai, Mary (ho, Nancy you watch out too! My reo is mean, cuz) Lol! Yes, I AM laughing at myself...

Kassie said...

How beautiful! I soo miss dancing as well, but I always love going and watching those who share their talents. :)

mary said...

wow leise - you are so fluent with the maori language i can barely understand you anymore. lol! i just want you to know I put that video and comment in there just for you. he he - i hoped you would appreciate it since you know how much i struggle with MAORI dancing let ALONE the KAIA!! he he.

tali only did maori this year. tahiti was good too. i had a video but i think i accidentally erased it. they did an otea kind of similar to last years. we missed you!!! when are you coming back?!?

daveandsavani said...

love the post mary!! I can't believe i totally forgot about Luau this year...and I was really looking forward to it! dang. it looked good though!

ps. I dont think I've ever seen the Latu girls ever take a normal picture! lol. But I don't understand how they always make the ugliest faces and still manage to look good. you included!

Margaret Vance said...

Wow! You have a long history with the BYU luau. How fun! I got to dance for the luau twice and it's always fun to get into the spirit of it all ... especially when you away from Hawaii.