Friday, March 06, 2009

happy birthday relief society

This year the Relief Society turned 167 years old! Our ward celebrated with a party. There was dinner, cupcakes and music. I love the Relief Society!

As you can see from the photo, someone gave Malia red punch that was NOT in a sippy cup!:)


Leise said...

:( You might ask, "Why the frown, Leise?" I'd answer: because I don't like our ward, I mean branch. I know that's not nice, but everyone's either 45 and older or under 10 years old...there are like 6 of us in the middle there. Yeah. And for OUR RS Bday celebration, we had an hour and a half of women telling us about Joseph & Emma Smith, and other women involved in the startup of RS, then we had soup for music, no red punch, no hula hoop, no kids (because, seriously, it was like being in RS on Sunday). first RS bday like all the wards I've ever been in...

mary said...

lol. leis, i promise you i will give you a cupcake AND a hula hoop if you are in utah your next birthday.