Saturday, March 14, 2009

dogs and a papa date

I love Fridays!!! Not only is it the END of the week, but it's Malias swimming lesson day AND papa date day. Yesterday, on the way to our papa date we stopped by my brother, Joseph's house to meet the dogs. If you know my family you know that we all loves dogs . . . and not just any dogs, we love BIG dogs. Growing up we ALWAYS had a dog - they were simply part of the family. I always thought I'd have a dog when I had children, but Wayne doesn't really like pets, so we'll see. . .:) Anyway, Joseph has a mastiff named Hula. This was their first time seeing her in looong time and their visit went very well.

At first, Malia would not go near Hula. She stayed at a four foot diameter and barked at her.

I put Kina in front of Hula to break the ice. If Malia sees Kina doing something. . anything. . . she will usually want to do it right away. he he. At first Kina was a little unsure. . .

But soon she was reaching out to pet her.

And of course, Malia followed. It was a successful first big dog meeting. She even gave Hula a kiss on the way out.

Thanks Joe!


For our Papa Date we went to meet Wayne's dad at Chuck E. Cheese's. We got a pizza and Malia went to play on the toys and games with her Papa.

He is so patient and attentive with her. He followed her from ride to ride and she had a blast. Malia likes to sit on the stationary rides, but she doesn't like it when they move. She'll scream and want to get off. I told this to Dad so he wouldn't waste his money, but he wanted Malia to have fun so he kept putting coins in the different things she'd climb on. Pretty soon there was a trail of kids following them to take advantage of the free game or ride that was left empty. It was hilarious.

After Malia wanted out on this ride, we put Kina in. She loved it. Ah, she's such a chill girl.

Kina with Kina

Malia and her Papa

After eating and playing we headed home to meet Wayne. We love Fridays!


The Maire Family said...

That is such a cute idea! A Papa date, I really like it. Your girls are like mine. Lauralei was so like that with rides when she was that age. As soon as I'd start something up she'd freak out. Adele's a lot more laidback about that stuff. And Lauralei sometimes won't do things until she sees Adele do it.

Lavi said...

Dude I haven't seen Kina since the 1st and only time I saw for for a split milisecond at church one time! lol she's a freakin dawwwwl!!!!

Lavi said...
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Sibbett_Ohana said...

THAT IS SUCH AN AWESOME IDEA!! PAPA DATE NIGHT I SHALL ADD THAT TO MY LIST OF "NOTE TO SELF" You girls are adorable. This is just my opinion but malia looks like the Alisa side and Kina looks like wayne. But they change as they grow. So cute!!!

Leise said...

Aw, so cute...wish I lived in Utah so I can follow you guys around on Papa Date day for the free rides too! LOL