Thursday, September 10, 2009


Early yesterday morning, BEFORE the girls got dressed and BEFORE I got to clean the house, Malia and Kina played a little game of peekaboo.


Taylor Tribe said...

Too cute! I love it. Hope all is well with the family. Take care:O)

Melissa said...

I love it!! They play so well together. Also I love the birthday pictures. How exciting. You are such a good mom. They are getting so big. We miss you guys.

The Maire Family said...

Its so cute when they play with each other. My girls play games like that all the time. I love the nappy shot at the end! lol

Hazel said...


Love the disclaimers. I am glad that were able to video tape this BEFORE anything else or it would NOT have been so great. hehe.

See ya.

Vika said...

This is a cute video clip of the girls. How are you guys? We should get together soon, we missed all our friends at O8th.