Saturday, September 19, 2009

the propsal for date night

Last night Wayne and I went on a date! Alone. Without the girls. It was SO fun! I feel like it's been a long time. We went to see "The Proposal" at Movies 8. I LOVED it!!! It's your typical chick flick which is right up my alley. I really liked Ryan Reynolds humor and Sandra Bullock's wardrobe. Sandra Bullock is a lot older than I remember her, but she looked amazing. I hope I can look like her at 40!

If you haven't seen it yet, you should. I give it two thumbs up!


Erin said...

Mary and Wayne! We will be in provo next weekend and are planning a waffle night at Taylor's condo. Since we won't be there for too long it would be a great time to see friends and hope that you will come and hang out and meet Tanner too! Lincoln and I will get out the details soon so you know all the info. Glad you had a date, I think we need one of those:)

Vika said...

Mary, thanks for the reminder that we need a date night.

jill langston kaufusi said...

I wouldn't mind looking like that when I'm 40 either.
I really want to see this movie.

Oh, and you guys too. I'm such a stranger now that we're out of Orem 8th ward.

Sibbett_Ohana said...

Thanks for the heads up! I must see it!!