Wednesday, April 28, 2010

four years ago today. . .

Wayne and I were married!

Sometimes things are all sunny and bright . . .

sometimes we're given a little fright ha ha. . .

but overall, I know I've been blessed from above. . .

'cause I'm crusin forever with my best friend, my love.


Happy Anniversary Wayne!


Kassie said...

You two are so beautiful.. Happy Anniversary xoxo

Inouyes said...

Happy Anniversary sis! I love the post so you :)

Unknown said...

What a cute post! Happy Anniversary to you. =)

Lolohea Tonga said...

oh stop it with your PERFECT FAMILY! haha love it! and yes...we need to get together to discuss our trip!

Miki said...

I love you guys! Happy Anniversary Wayne and Mary!

Tina said...

Seriously though, you guys are the cutest, sweetest most adorable couple ever! Although I think Adney and Wayne are a close second. LOL