Tuesday, July 06, 2010

fourth of july weekend

I've decided I'm gonna talk to the guy who's in charge of making up the calendar year and request to have the fourth of July land on a Sunday every year. Since we don't celebrate holidays in Utah on Sunday, we lucked out and had a three day celebration of Independence Day! It was a busy weekend. . . and very exhausting. . . but SO much fun.

On Friday, we went to the Veteran's Pool for my niece, Zoey's bday party. It was so fun spending time with our family. I sat and talked with the girls while Wayne entertained the children. We stayed over three hours - the girls were sound asleep before we even got out of the parking lot.

After naps we headed to the Freedom Festival. It was so good this year - there were tons of booths, lots of entertainment and the girls are now big enough to enjoy the rides. I should have got an action shot of this one - as soon as the whale started moving Kina started cracking up and Malia started crying.

Dinner was at Auntie Ireens house. A lot of family was here from out of town and it was so nice to spend time with them. (Vika, Robert, Chanel, Doug, Wayne, Joseph)

Malia LOVED playing games with the older cousins. She'd be sitting down with them and then turn around and shout to me, "Mommy, look at me!" and "Do you see me, Mom?" I think she felt special to just be included.

On Saturday, we headed back to the Freedom Festival. We played all morning and ate lunch there - I had a Pauni plate. Yum! What do you think of Kina's form - pretty good, ay?

We don't bank at Well's Fargo, but they took our family picture for us. When Malia saw the last picture in the bottom corner she asked, "Why are you mad at Kina, Mommy?" My bad.

While the girls took naps, Wayne took me to watch Eclipse. Though this one is the best movie of the Twilight saga so far, I felt the same about it as I did the others - so so. Oh well. We went to the pool again and then ended our Saturday watching fireworks from the Stadium of Fire - it was beautiful and the girls loved it.

Sunday was truly a day of rest - I slept the WHOLE day . . . literally. It was sooo nice.

On Monday, we went to the parade! I'm not a big parade person . . . or a big crowds person. . . but I knew the girls would enjoy it. We were lucky enough to have some very brave friends, Spencer and Crystal Hafoka and Travis and Mata Uale, who camped out the night before so we had an AWESOME spot. (THANKS GUYS!!) I sat in the shade the whole time (by the food table hehe) and Malia and Kina would come and sit on my lap for a few seconds in between floats but run back to their front seat immediately - I don't think they wanted to miss the show.(Sue, Mata, Me with Malia and Kina)

The actual Provo parade really isn't the bomb - it's more for the experience with friends and family, I think. BUT the highlights for me were these two floats. One was my sister-in-law, Kalo's piano students performing on grand pianos and the other was the float from our Tongan stake. It was accompanied with a dance group and the Liahona band - very cool.

Us and some of our fellow parade watchers

I love holidays because I get to spend time with my little family AND my extended family and friends. I love this holiday in particular because it really does remind me how blessed I am to be an American. I love this country!

Happy Fourth of July!
(. . .and third and fifth too! haha)


mary said...
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mom said...

Mary, I LOVE your posts! I look forward to fun email and I was SO excited to read your news and see the darling pictures!!! You have such a fun life - I am so happy for you and your family! I am So excited to spend time with you in August!!! Can't wait! The girls look great, you look great, Wayne looks great! Thanks again for the post.

Ipo said...

You guys have way too much energy! I'm tired just reading all of this. Of course, I wish I could have done half of the things you did with the kids. Anyways! So fun to read about your adventures!!

Kam said...

I couldn't find your link and I knew I had to get my butt over here, lol! But I found it,woohoo!

4th of July here is so da bomb! Last year was way more fun for us because we had our kids with us. This year Peter and I only went to the Freedom festival because most of the time we were watching movies all day, lol. But the parade definitely sounded fun for you guys and I liked Eclipse, yay!

Unknown said...

Ahhh. finally, I can't believe that took me almost a year to get that done. :) So I'm just so happy to see your cute family and all the crazy stuff you guys are up to. You guys are like a 24/7 party!!!

Line said...

I feel like 4th of July weekends are always so exhausting. Looks like you guys had a TON of fun though!

Megs said...

One of the things I miss the most about Provo is the 4th of July. They really do it right. Sounds like such a great weekend!! Your description of the parade sounded just perfect to me, Shade and the Food Table. Great combo :)

Crystal said...

that was the bomb Mary! im SO glad you guys came and i'm so glad you misread the sign. hahaha!! next year, we'll have it all down!! good thing we have a "plan" now. and WOW you guys did do a lot!!

Tali said...

i would look on here more often only it only makes me sad to see all i'm missing out on. The girls look so big i can't believe it, and i can't wait to see them. i have little tongan treats for them. we just got back to tongatapu so the more adventurous part of our trip is over, which is wierd. back to civilization. k mar, i'll try to call from nz at the end of the week. we've just been really short and the phones and phonecards don't work that well anyway. love you guys and talk to you soon. tal