Sunday, November 28, 2010


The beach has always been one of my favorite things about Hawaii. It's such a place of fun, peace, beauty and joy.  The beach experience, however has somewhat changed for me.  In my college days, I went several times a week - some times to swim, some times to sleep, some times to exercise and some times to eat.  During those years I was always outdoors anyway so I was always tan (I didn't realize how prominent that tan was until one of my friends from BYUH, Vika Filimoeatu told me that the first time she saw me in Utah she didn't RECOGNIZE me because I was so pale. lol)  Since we've been in Hawaii we have gone to the beach often - however, I no longer go to get a tan.  Some people around Laie have asked why I'm still white after being here for a couple weeks already.  The beach experience as a single college student is a lot different than that of a mother of three babies.  Instead of napping, reading and chilling in the sun for hours on end, I now spend most my time in the shade with Tali or digging in the sand with Malia and Kina and we only stay for a few hours before naptime.  While it's very different than the old way I used to enjoy the beach, I LOVE it!  I love seeing my girls becoming comfortable with such a special place. 

The first time we went to the beach this trip, Malia was totally into it.  She'd run back and forth on the sand with Wayne, then run in the water, then begin searching for crabs, then back into the water etc.  During all of that excitement, Kina sat in the shade with me with a towel wrapped around her.  I kept asking if she wanted to do different things on the beach and all she'd answer is "No dank you" over and over again. It was so funny!  Since then, Kina has grown more courageous.  However, both girls prefer the sand above anything else.  Neither love the water very much, BUT I know the more we visit Hawaii the more familiar they will become.  I know one day they'll love it just like their mommy! haha


Ah! Love the beach!

*Special thanks to my MOM - she's accompanied us on NUMEROUS beach days.  She's such a trooper!  Thanks mom!  We (literally) wouldn't have been able to do it without you!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

a day of thanks

I love what Thanksgiving is about.  There is nothing material about this holiday - it is simply meant as a day to give thanks.  I have so many blessings to be grateful for . . . so many people who are so special to me and do so much for me.  Right now, as I think of my many blessings, I am humbled.  I'm thankful to my Heavenly Father for blessing me with beautiful children and a caring husband.  They bring so much joy to my life.  I'm grateful for my parents, family, in-laws and extended family.  It's wonderful to feel love and support of a group so much bigger than yourself.  I'm grateful for our good health, our home and vehicle, Wayne's jobs, our educations, (the opportunity of more education,) good friends, our free country and the gospel.  There are too many things to list - I need to just live grateful.  My Grandma has said to have an attitude of Gratitude.  I love that . . . and I want to do it better.  When I get grumpy or discouraged it does help me to think of my many blessings - selfishness and gratitude can not thrive together.  One of my favorite LDS hymns is about counting your blessings.  I love these lyrics:

  1. When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed,
    When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
    Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
    And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
  2. Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
    Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
    Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,
    And you will keep singing as the days go by.
  3. So, amid the conflict whether great or small,
    Do not be discouraged, God is over all;
    Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
    Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.

I'm thankful for my many blessings!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

*How we celebrated - watched TANGLED at Laie Theaters (LOVED the movie. . . and thoroughly enjoyed the unique Laie theater experience), went on walks throughout the day and ate homemade macaroni and cheese at home.  We miss Wayne (who is home, working, in Utah), but had a beautiful day.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

make new friends and keep the old

one is silver and the other gold.
(and I mean PURE gold!! lol)

While in Hawaii, we've got to catch up with my friends here.  I've loved it!  I remember reading a description of friendship that I liked on one of the blogs I stalk (okay, it was Taualai Fonoti's lol).  When describing the relationship of a long-time friend that he saw very rarely, he said, "I measure friendships by the ease and ability to fall into a natural social rhythm already established."  I love that.  I love being able to pick up where we're at and not where we left off . . . which means we don't have to talk about high school or college to have something to talk about.  Many of my girlfriends have children the same ages as my kids and it has been so wonderful seeing them in the roles of mothers!  It's so fun to go through the different stages of life together as friends.  I'm so grateful for my GIRLS! ( . . . and for their kids who have become friends for my kids too! haha)

A couple days ago, Sarah brought her sons, Manasseh and Isaac, to swim in our little pool.  They swam, ate, and then swam again.
(Leise, Hazel, Leimana, me and Harm)
Last Friday, Leimana held a little GNO at her house.
We had spring rolls and pizza.  It was so fun to talk
and catch up with everyone.
Last week, Line was here and threw a Thanksgiving playdate for the kiddies.
They played some games, decorated cookies and made paper turkeys.

We borrowed this red wagon from a friend and have used it every single day.
Hazels daughter, Ame, lives only one street over and loves it too.
Sarah with Nase, Hazel with Ame, me with Tali and Kina, Keaka with Kaylee, Kahler and Keana, Harmony with Ahonui and Nahe
I'm grateful for wonderful friends!

*And speaking of making NEW friends - The other night I ran into the beautiful Lilika Funaki (she's married to my neighbor Inoke) while on a walk with my mom.  We talked and laughed a little and then hugged to say goodbye.  When we were walking away my mom asked, "Now how do you know her?  Did she used to dance with you?" "No", I said.  "Do you know her from Utah?" "No." "Did you guys meet at BYUH?" "No. . . I know her from blogging!" LOL!  I love making new friends through blogging!  People (me included) share so much more on a blog than they normally would at a first meeting.  Maybe that's why we feel like we already KNOW each other even though we've only talked face to face twice. hahaha Love you girl!

Monday, November 22, 2010

hawaii firsts

I realize this blog has turned into a photo album of sorts and I'm starting to feel like that annoying neighbor that invites people over to look at a billion pictures taken at his last vacation/cute kids/cool car.  Sorry guys.  The truth is by the end of the day when I have time for blogging I'm usually not in the mood to dig deep and actually write . . . plus, I don't keep any regular photo albums, so this is a nice place to store all my photos.  My goal is to actually write something in honor of Thanksgiving - we'll see how that goes. haha  In the meantime, here are some more PICS!

Since we've been in Hawaii, Malia, Kina and Tali have had many new experiences.  They've been having so much fun.  Here are some of the "firsts" they've experienced in Hawaii so far . . .

First time Malia caught a crab on the beach with her daddy
First time Malia and Kina cleaned the front yard wearing chinese hats with a girl from Japan (she's one of my dad's students)
First time Malia went surfing. . . or skimming
First time the girls touched an octopus (the hawaiian
fisherman said it was his lunch) - it's little sucky things were still sucking.
First (and last) time Tali wore this cute hawaiian dress that Aunty Tali bought for Malia a few years ago
 (it's a 6 month size, but was cutting off her circulation while I took this pic with Papa . . . thus, the "last" thing)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

HA with President Monson

Last night, we visited the night show at PCC - HA: the Breath of Life.  I LOVE this show - love the story, love the dancing, love the music - EVERYTHING.  Last night was especially good, however, because our prophet, President Monson, and an apostle, Elder Eyring were in attendance.  They are here, of course, for the dedication which will take place on Sunday.  I was a little worried how the girls would handle an hour and a half in a dark show, but Malia and Kina LOVED it.  They were totally attentive the whole time and energetically clapped whenever a section was done.  The first thing Malia noticed was that all the dancers had "long hair".  She pointed it out a few times - she's obsessed with having long hair.  ha ha  I was so tickled the kids enjoyed it and was very grateful to witness such a special night.

After the show, the whole cast gathered and sang, "Teach Me to Walk in the Light"
for the prophet.  It was beautiful.  President Monson smiled and clapped and graciously
posed for everyone that was taking pictures of him.

After the show, Malia was SO excited to take pictures with the dancers - she RAN down to the stage.
After taking this pic,Pewa introduced her to all the girl dancers - she was in HEAVEN.

Ricky and Pewa are two of the few dancers that still there from the time that I danced at PCC -
hey, it wasn't THAT long ago. lol  It's so nice to see old friends.  

*Something I want to remember - 
When the tutu (it was Sis. Enos) came to dance for the little Mana, Malia said, "Look! It's a Grandma.  Just like you, Granmma." [pointing at Mom]

Friday, November 19, 2010

flashback friday - the laie hawaii temple

Me, Tali and Joseph at the Laie Hawaii Temple (approx. 1984)
Since the re-dedication of the Laie Hawaii Temple is on Sunday, I thought I'd dedicate this post to it.  The Laie Hawaii temple has always been MY temple.  I remember going to the temple grounds as a family when I was very little.  We would walk around the beautiful grounds and then go inside the visitors center to watch Johnny Lingo - that was always a treat for us because 1) there was AC  and 2) we didn't have a TV at home.  When I was in primary, our chapel was next door to the temple.  I remember walking to the temple as a Sunday school class and having lessons under one of the coconut trees.  Through the years we've taken numerous family pictures at the temple - the grounds are so gorgeous.  The Laie Temple grounds are also used as a backdrop for pictures for Kahuku Prom and I remember going there my Senior year to take pictures with my friends.  When I was in college we would often take walks to and around the temple.  Some of my wards would even have Family Home Evenings in the visitors center.  After I received my mission call, I went through the Laie temple to receive my endowment.  When I came home from my mission and went back to school, I lived a couple blocks from the temple and visited there often.  Since I've moved to Utah, I've only visited Hawaii about once a year, but every time I'm home I always look forward to visiting the temple.  In my adult years, I've witnessed many family members and friends being sealed for time and eternity to their companions and children in this temple.  These memories are treasures to me. Simply put, I feel it is my temple.  When I sing the primary song "I love to See the Temple", THIS is the temple I'm singing about.  I know there are many, many people that feel the same way I do about this special place and I love that.  It's small size and amazing history are totally endearing and it's beauty and location are breathtaking.  I love the temple.  I'm so grateful I can be here for this special time of dedication.  I know it is the Lord's house.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

princess party in paradise

Do you like my use of alliteration? Haha So, I have a ton of random pics from our Hawaii stay so far, but I just had to dedicate an entire post to this.  Today we went to a princess themed birthday party thrown by the Martha Stewart of Laie, Donnette Tew. When she and her little girl, Amy dropped off the cute castle invitations, they also dropped off two princess dresses for Malia and Kina to wear since they knew they probably didn't have any here. So sweet, huh. Every single detail of the party was perfect and the girls had a blast. (Since I have three girls I thought it would be very advantageous to record all these great ideas in order to use them later! haha)

The girls in their dresses in front of our house.  They were so excited to go.

First, they had playtime. There were dishes, play food, dress-ups and many other toys. All the girls were dressed up as princesses.

The Rapunzel photo booth - a HIT!

After making crowns, their nails were painted.

Every girl had a pink princess cake to decorate. It was the top of a big cupcake with a doll poking out the middle so it looked like a princess with a poofy skirt. There was heart and star shaped sandwiches, pink punch, wand pretzels and a big Snow White cake. Yum!

Afterward, was story time - the story was "The Princess and the Pea". Donnette made several little mattresses which she stacked on a little green ball (the pea) and had a little puppet princess to put on top. The girls loved it.
Next, they played "Steal the Princess' slipper". One little girl sat on the "throne" with her eyes closed and someone would steal her glass slipper. When she opened her eyes everyone pretended she had stolen it. Then she guessed who had.

The last game was a ring toss using princess pez holders. Later, they got to pick a bracelet and a princess to take home (with some Pez candy).

After seeing this photo, Dad said Tali looked like a "princess from Thailand." lol

I'm hoping my extensive note-taking will one day help me throw an equally awesome party of my own one day! Thank you Donnette!

Monday, November 15, 2010

home sweet home

We are in Hawaii!! Horaay!  Wayne started working for Delta on Monday, our flight benefits kicked in on Thursday, and we took our flight home on Friday! lol Wayne actually booked me to leave on Thursday, but I insisted I needed at least one day to pack and prepare.  He flew down with us Friday afternoon and flew back Saturday night.  Being here . . . I don't know a better way to say this, but  . . . being here, I feel like I can finally BREATHE again.  I love it here.  When we were planning the flight, I kept thinking of excuses why we should wait to take our first flight to Hawaii and Wayne kept giving me more options on when I could leave.  I jokingly said, "Wow. It seems like you're trying to get rid of me!"  Totally serious, he said, "No. I just know how important it is to you."  Ah.  I love my husband.

During the day he was here, we got to visit the last day of the Laie Hawaii Temple open house.  The temple has been closed for over two years for remodeling and before it's rededicated it is open to the public for a short time for viewing. The girls got to go inside too.  We are so grateful we had this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Latu Family - Laie Hawaii Temple Nov. 2010

* Something I want to remember - We've told Malia and Kina numerous times in the past that the temple is the Lord's house.  While we were inside, Malia kept whispering, "Mommy, where's Jesus?"

Friday, November 12, 2010

Flashback Friday - my bebe's

Baby Tali - Nov. '10
Looking at this pic I took of Tali the other day, gave me a real flashback of another picture taken a few years ago of another cute baby. 

Baby Malia - Nov. '07 (approximate)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

happy birthday wayne!

Wayne left for work at 6 am, so he opened his gift before he went.
I was kinda working on a low budget this year for Wayne's birthday and I knew he'd be at work much of the day, so I tried something a little different.  As soon as he and the girls went to bed the night before, I started cleaning our house (Wayne loves waking up to a spotless house.  Don't we all?).  I made a lunch for him to take to work (salmon, rice and vegetables) and also made a batch of cupcakes for him to share with his co-workers (practicing for when the girls are in elementary school lol).  I found some party decorations in the closet, so I decorated our living room and made a "Happy Birthday" sign and lastly, I made a candy bar poster and wrapped his gift - a tie.

In the morning, I could hear Wayne getting ready in the dark.  I told him I'd go make him a sandwich for lunch and went downstairs to turn on the lights.  As soon as he came downstairs he froze.  He was so surprised and he loved everything.  He went to work and the girls enjoyed the decorations all day for "daddy's happy birtday".  Wayne said it was his "favorite birthday ever". . . we'll see if he says the same thing next year too. haha

Happy Birthday Wayne!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

good times

It's so important to me that my kids know and love their grandparents and family.  My parents always made that a priority in our family and I'm so grateful for that.  Dad, Gramma Peggy and Uncle Pupi were in town last week and we got to spend some time with each of them.  
We went to BYU's Museum of Art with Gramma Peggy.  We sat and watched while
the girls ran around this light display for about an hour.  It was fun to watch them run. . .
and even MORE fun to watch them collapse with exhaustion afterward and nap the
rest of the afternoon!
We went to Aunty Ireen's house to make bread and Uncle Pupi entertained
Tali while we were baking.  After playing with her for a while, he got up to leave
and she started crying.  He sat back down again and she stopped immediately.
 It was so cute.
We went to the Discovery Park with Dad and Mom.
Dad pushed Malia and Kina on these swings for-e-ver.
When he finally stopped Kina was sound asleep IN her swing. haha

Thank you for coming to visit us!  We love you!!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

tali's baby blessing

Some things I'll remember about Tail's blessing day -
  • Tali looked like a little angel dressed in her little white blessing dress.
  • I prepared the whole morning (feeding, changing etc.) to ensure a quiet and calm baby during her blessing.
  • The moment the prayer began, Tali started to cry. . . no, SCREAM . . . and the second they said "Amen" the crying ceased.  Of course, right?  Sheesh! haha (later that day Malia kept asking me "who made baby Tali cry?")
  • Wayne's dad, Limhi, offered the blessing. It was beautiful.
  • Inoke and Tali's baby, Amalani, was also blessed this day, right before baby Tali.
  • Afterward, we had a small family eating at Aunty Ireens' house to celebrate.  Thank you Hafoka/Kinikini family and Vai and Aunty Isa for providing the yummy food!
  • Dad, Gramma Peggy and Uncle Pupi came into town for the blessings.  It was so nice to have them here.
It was a wonderful day for our family.  I'm so grateful for the power of the priesthood that's used to give these beautiful babies names and blessings.  I'm also grateful for the love and support of incredible family and friends.  We love you all so much!

Baby Tali and Daddy before church.

Immediately after the blessing (and all the crying), she fell fast asleep and stayed that way for the next few hours. 

Four generations - Gramma Peggy, Tali and Amalani, me and Tali, and Mom

Latu/Alisa/Hafoka family

** Best story of the day - My cousin, Reenie was helping in the kitchen at the eating when she heard some noise outside in the front yard.  She opened the door and saw Malia clinging onto a tree branch about five feet off the ground.  There was an older Tongan woman walking on the street and Malia was pleading/calling out to her. "Auntieeee. Auntieeeeee. Please help me down, Auntie. Please? Please help me down."  LOL  Reenie said the lady was kinda looking back over her shoulder like, "Is she talking to me?" haha Of course, Reenie helped Malia down off the tree and she is now Malia's FAVORITE! haha

Friday, November 05, 2010


I'm gonna try this Flashback Friday thing on my blog.  Every Friday, I'll take a little trip down memory lane and write about something in the past.  First stop?  The HIZZOUSE.

After I returned home from my mission I moved into a little house on Po'ohaili Street with some friends - my sister, Tali, Miki Akoi, Titi Vimahi, Leise Reid and Harmony Nikora.  It became known as "the Hizzouse" - I think it was Miks who first coined the "cool" name and it stuck. Haha

 Living together in the house was such an awesome experience.  All of us were working and/or going to school and we all loved being so busy.  The fun part though was the time we all spent together.  For example, every Monday we had a big Family Home Evening.  We would invite people over, sing together, have a lesson, play games and eat good food.  We celebrated birthdays and holidays, had Girls Night Outs, made music videos and went on double dates together.  The hizzouse became a gathering place for our PCC/BYUH friends and ward members.  We had visitors often, but we were totally cool just chilling with ourselves too - one of the benefits of living with your best friends.  It became more than just the house - it was the sisterhood that we shared.  We started as best friends, but became sisters during that time.  I lived there until I got married and during that time I felt I grew as a woman, a sister and a friend.  It was such a fun phase of our lives - being busy and preparing for the next step we would take.  Everything was so positive and it was wonderful to have such a great support system around at all times.  Since that time, life has taken us in different directions.  Still, I feel as close to them now as I did when we lived together, even though we don't talk every single day.  I love that.

I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for blessing me with such wonderful friends. . . or as Titi says, "Family you choose".  I truly look at those girls as my sisters - my bff's for life! haha 

And to take the walk a little further down memory lane . . .
Harmony's wedding in Laie - November '05

My wedding in Utah - April '06

Miki's wedding in Hawaii - March '07

Titi's wedding in Hawaii - December '07 (I didn't make it, but Tali was there)
Tali's wedding in Utah - December '09
Love you forever my Hizzouse sisters!

Thursday, November 04, 2010


I love having a camera on my phone!  Probably because I always have my phone with me and only sometimes have a real camera on hand.  Anyway, here are some random moments I found saved on my phone tonight.

This day, we went to meet Tali and Kalo for a picnic of McDonald's at BYU. The weather AND the sisterly love going on  was beautiful.

Must . . . stop. . . taking . . . pictures. . . of. . . my. . . cute. . baby . . !!! LOL K. This is the last one, I PROMISE! haha

Wayne cleaning the bathroom.  It was such a beautiful sight I had to take a picture.

This was in the hospital the day after Amalani was born.  Inoke and Tali are such good parents already.  I love my neice!

This is THE reason the girls like coming with me to Costco . . . and apparently they're not the only ones with that thought. haha

This was the first time Wayne and I left Tali to go on a date.  We were gone for a couple hours and when we quietly snuck back in the house we caught Tali happily chillin' with her sleeping Grandma Vai.  It was such a sweet moment.

My favorite Kina smile - squinty eyes and all.

We all begin the night in our own separate beds, but THIS is what my bed looks like in the morning. Sheesh!  How's a mom to get any sleep around here? haha
Daddy's girls at bedtime

Ah! Love these Kodak moments . . . err. . . okay, technically CELL PHONE moments.

*Sigh* I crack myself up.